
...back at th'beginnin' o' '66 when th'warlocks were transformin' into th'dead they were doin' a lot o' acid test gigs where they played short sets to get th'audience grooved up so they could wander around for awhile then be ready for more rock'n roll...this disk consists o' two sets o' short funky R&B numbers,th'first 8 toons from th'danish center in LA on th'12th march'n th'rest from two weeks later at troupers hall,again down LA way...as th'weird'n trippy way things sometimes work out th'danish center gig fizzles out on 'stealin',but to keep th'groove goin' th'troupers gig cuts in durin' th'same tune,cool as th'northern breeze...we see th'dead just groovin' high,gettin' th'jams together,payin' homage with some dirty mojo'n gritty black cat bones,th'troupers gig is more elasticated,th'reality walls're meltin' here,allowin' chance to play its part...pigpen is th'guidin' light for much o' these gigs,with his keyboard layin' down a canvas for jerry to spring from occasionally...th'last number suddenly breaks up'n th'disk is finished,but while its playin' its a stone groove'n that cant be denied...


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