
...outta th' small town world some miles from th' windy city came this top pop rockin unit in th' mid 7tees with their waxs #one 'n #two...successfully boltin together mid60s fabs grooves/primal era lennon, early seven oh anglo glam riffin, l.a glam sleeze rock, suburban hard rock with soopah a.m radio pop sensibilities into one hot rollin combo machine...propelled by tight enthusiastic playin, great knowin teen lyricism 'n a keen sense o' humor has 'nabled these two slabs to get plenty o' spins in th' last 3decades, 'n thats some acheivement brotha, it surely is...each o' these coastas comes with 5xtra tunes makin for a better deal all round, 'n th' xellent sound reprodukshun makes th' whole shebang chippa dippa, yezzuh its a flippa...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


On slab #2, slice #10 (the ballad of tv violence) makes the baby jesus cry. =(

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay, sore thys bande pley live in Cambridge (UK). Innna leckure hall of all plazes.
Trying to be hip daddy o - and failing miserably.
But what a great band.
Wanted the extra tracks - Cheers.

5:12 AM  

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