...first o' th'trio slices 'n another goodly batch o' grist
that if th' name hadda been new a few rock 'aficionados' would have given it more houseroom,but times were a'changin' fast in 68,'n more than a few cats had some pressin' urgent things crushin' on their noodle at that juncture such as avoidin' unpleasant vibes in th'nam keepin' th' war machine goin'...th' title is more than apt as a lot o' this biscuit is made up o' trx plundered from sessions up to three years old 'n given a bit o' a dustin'n polish to make 'em fresher...th'usual late band fare is here-2-hear; rockbubblepop/pyschbubble/country papa nes style/davy croonin'n cats should pay some special attention to trx12, whats goin' on with this vibed-out-zone-
drone...also dig th'cover, a nice lift from th' ol' warhola wigster himself ...7 bonus cuts add more goodlyness...
that if th' name hadda been new a few rock 'aficionados' would have given it more houseroom,but times were a'changin' fast in 68,'n more than a few cats had some pressin' urgent things crushin' on their noodle at that juncture such as avoidin' unpleasant vibes in th'nam keepin' th' war machine goin'...th' title is more than apt as a lot o' this biscuit is made up o' trx plundered from sessions up to three years old 'n given a bit o' a dustin'n polish to make 'em fresher...th'usual late band fare is here-2-hear; rockbubblepop/pyschbubble/country papa nes style/davy croonin'n cats should pay some special attention to trx12, whats goin' on with this vibed-out-zone-
drone...also dig th'cover, a nice lift from th' ol' warhola wigster himself ...7 bonus cuts add more goodlyness...
Is there a link sowmewhere to download these albums, or is it just a review?
run th'cursor over th'txt, all will be revealed...
did that....still didn't see anything showing up...
Love this. Do you have Papa Nes's Radio Engine/Photon Wing Album? I have it on vinyl, a long way away, but I can't find an upload *anywhere*, and I've been looking for over a year. Thanks.
will check for that LP though sometimes th'later stuff is not so prevelant for some reason, though this does coincide with his more pretentious thinkin', he did come to over beleive his own worth'n this does show in his work after th' prison box,,,
I hear what you say, but I think you have a choice with listening to some of his later stuff. Either you say he's being pretentious, or you say he's being honest and doing what he wants, and you get something out of it. I agree he can be a tad self-serious, and doesn't come across as exactly a relaxed, easy-going dude, but I enjoy The Prison a lot (both vinyl and CD versions, and they're very different). Radio Engine is, anyway, nothing if not accessible - it has his last Big Hit on it, Rio. And the back cover tells the story perfectly - this is spaced cowboy music, as bongworthy as anything coming out of the haze where pop and country and *something else* got all confused for a few glorious years. Tantamount To Treason is another headwidener, but that's out there on the internets ...
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