
...fantastic basement rockin riffin swill from th' beginin o' th' 8tees that inadvertantly spawned about 3 genres o' heavy metal but this is th' real deal...this was originally just a few more demos recorded for neatrecords but th' head honcho there knew a cool sound when he heard it 'n decided to go with these recordins...'n thats what makes this so good, th' sound o' th' non production with th' geetar buzzin 'n th' whiskey 'n cigaret vocal growlin away, 'n th' drum thumpin... get th' most from this th' followin could be 'mployed:
...any bass boom/boast turned on...
...normal bass turned down...
...treble turned to midway...
...volume on stun...
...this will give th' approximation o' all strapped busto crusto heads stereo set ups from th' late seven ohs 'n that suits this platta to a T,'n thats A-OK brotha...any cats that dig th' true sound o' both rock 'n th' roll cannot fail to get most from this heavy rollin monsta...


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