Monday'rampant paranoia that was sweepin' thru amerikkka back in th'turn o' th'seventies is reflected in th'grooves o' this LP with its murky subterranian vibe oozin' out in all directions...its creepy crawl funk lays down a slow post altamont doom-boom while th'rhythm box clicks'n ticks in monotonous slow drivin' lowrider fashion...inner city tension'n bad drugs cover th'toons with tears gas'n smokin' pig weaponary...this is th'remastered edition complete with extra thick paranoia fit for 21st century livin'...its like payin' a visit to th'twilight zone o'th'post hippy dream'n findin' it weren't a dream after all, it was real only th'ideals o' love'n freedom have been corrupted to fit th'new world order...this is sly warnin' th'cats on th'block that time was gettin' late'n th'prisons're gettin' built to house th'outsider/individual...younger cats may wanna play this disk after checkin' out th'easy rider flik for a feel o'vietnam on th'homefront, th'true state o' uncle sams autocrazy madness...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great stuff on your blog...but there's no file in the Sly link.
thanks for posting. regards, will

10:16 PM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

its a txt file,open it up...

9:59 AM  

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