...they've been called th' worlds most insane hardcore band which is naturally open to conjecture cos o' th'terms can only be relative to what is known to each individual whose opinion is a singular voice within' so many (un)like musin's...at any given moment G.I.S.M're quite likely to be an anarcho/crusty combo with death metal string squeelin' mayhem or gettin' busy with a scruffy lumberin' thud punk racket with progrock guitar dexterity solos flyin' fast'n furious...unintelligible throat rippin'aplenty'n just to make it moreDADA than it already is when th'vocal strains can be discerned th'words don't make linear sense though no doubt this can be down to translation/original meanin'n interpretation...cats who mayn't be as hep to this aggregation o' japan noisenix as they'd like can rest assured these hooligans o' th'freeform're well into th'DADA worldview spontaneous action/reaction, for just as th'original DADAists took time out to catch a train to a city far away to confront some journalist who had th'gall to diss th'latest manifesto/creation with 'n outright poundin' , randy uchida th'head honcho took violent affront to a cat from another combo who was wearin' a 'bootleg' gism teeshirt/attack audience with a flamethrower 'n show footage o' vietnam atrocities while th' cats keepin' pummellin' out psychic storms o' rockin' noise/set about photographers who were about to capture his soul 'n turn him into some sorta underground star...far from inclinations to be some poster boy for extreme pop kulture he enjoys contact with th'japan red army cult/commune'n other such mischive makers who continue to be a thorn in th'side o' th'industrial military complex...stereo pannin' 'n psychedelic squelchy fx popup when needed to push th' whole bundle into orbit, one step beyond...though this is a compilation o' rare trx from long gone cassettes'n wax it plays as a whole really well'n takes th'list'ner deep into th'wig manglin' world o'GodInSchizoidMind...one thing that does become clear after a few spins is 'punx is hippys'...
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