
...taped at a couple o' rehearsals durin' '91, these're th'last transmissions from mayhem featurin' th'throat rippin' dead...incredibly messed-up necro sound that after a few spins starts to give up th'vibes these nihilist beatnix wish to impart...its th' sound o'breakin' free from th' unremittin' consumer death machine that wishes to make 'happy' complient surfs o' th'great unwashed...its th'sound o' breakin' on through to th'other side where th'oppressive dominant kkkulture no longer holds any power...its th'sound o' long winter nights beneath th'frozen moon that give cats plenty o'time to wonder th'endless possibilties that come from ancient forests o'earlier tymes where dimensions'n multiple magic realities co-exist for th' benefit o' th'stoned groover...perfect accompaniment to bonged evenin's high in dusty garretts where th'outside world does not enter for fear o' bein' exposed as th'plastic xeroxed fake it surely is...


Blogger constantine said...

woohoo! right on..

10:42 AM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

you said it brother...

2:53 PM  

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