Monday things for certain here boss'n thats these sounds are blasted, well'n truly,one way or'nother these're totally may be th'original wax is all beat up'n scratches all over, or th' recordin'/production is way into th'screeechin' treble zone with th'bass hardly registerin' or th'ensembles all sound as if a heavy opium haze has enveloped th'preceedin's...its burmese pop, but pop as seen through eyes'n ears that are coppin' licks from western pop, bits o' rocknroll/surf/c&w 'n smearin' th'whole shebang into another sound completely...squeaky ear-splitin' guitars/keyboards that are ruff'n ready, funky to th' max/vocals give off with wailin' pleas from other worlds...some o' it is psychedelic, but mainly inadvertently psychedelic, but as cats who been checkin' th' bottom line in rock'nroll exploitation know, fake or accidental psych is way better than th''real thing' mentioned th' production is uniformly basement which helps give th'feelin' this is beemin' in from another planet'n o'course th'golden triangle sure was/is anotherworld...this is crazy daddy-o, hepped-up'n gone to flip city one mo' time...


Blogger kevinesse said...

thank you for this!...a question from a whole nuther direction, but is you familiar with ramleh?..'boeing', 'homeless', 'blowhole', 'too many miles', 'works iii'...whitehouse/skullflower tangent version of psych guitar drenched in verb and disgust...l-o-v-e-l-y!... thanks

10:18 AM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

an excellent band, had forgotten about them for years,thanx for th'mind jog...

12:16 PM  

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