
...released in 69 this is a great LP full o' promise for a jazz/rock fusion that had neither th'jazz or rock too far to either side, in other words its creatin' a new entity,though not third stream, thats another kettle o'' whole thing kicks off with a groove straight outta london clubland with some heavy R&B splat from a coupla years earlier but soon th'whole shebang is sayin' this is urgent sounds for th'comin' decade with horns/keyboards/guitar all vyin' for th' list'ners attention'n everything held down by jon hisemans drums poundin' away...its all updated club noise helpin' to push th'jazzy end o' prog to th'fore hopin' to pick up an audience that was growin' steadily who needed to hear 'with it' sounds but that were based in a solid groundin' such as souljazz'n R&B that had provided a root for most rock'n roll up to that moment...all th'trx move along with solos poppin' up'n groovin' then effortlessly steppin' aside for th'next cat to riff...a good start to their journey into progland...


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