
...back in th' day this mob were totally dismissed outta hand by rocksnobs as bein only a teeny band, not worth th' time o' day...rockkritix hated them with avengence 'n put th' poison pen in if they even acknowledged them at all...but true rockin cats with their ears atuned correctly knew there was some proper blastin sound goin on within th' sweets plattas 'n this live blowout proves that point without a doubt...recorded at a prestige gig in late 73 at one o' th' homes o' rock this biskit kix up a storm from th' very getgo 'n dont really let up for over 'n hour...stands up against th' early seven oh heavy rock combos any cat can think of 'n thats a solid fact...cats with a lower tolerance o' drum solos might need a bong hit at about trk9 'n things will stay cool 'n chippa dippa...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for this totally underrated band.
They were the heroes of my youth!

Best wishes

9:10 AM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

yeah, xcellent racketmakers...

9:44 AM  
Blogger RevolutionaryBum said...

Is this by any chance the full concert that parts of appear on the "Strung Up" double LP ???
real early stuff Hellraiser and such...
rapidshare says file error ??? I'll try again
C Ya...

8:15 PM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

ya could be right about th'strung up LP,tho this one may take more time to re-up,sorry about that...

1:40 AM  
Blogger RevolutionaryBum said...

Hey Spacedsaviour, Not a problem... Thanks for the other re-up's... Your Blog is like Xmas morning so waiting for this present will just mean another Xmas in april or may !!! not a bad deal to me... meanwhile I'm gonna transfer the "Strung Up" LP to Mp3... Still figuring out the USB turntable. Thanx for all !!!
C Ya...

5:18 PM  

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