...lookin' back into th'hazy-fazy past,back to th'last summer o' th'sixties,through temporal adjusted psychedelic goggles a cat can espy this nifty package o' orchestrated psych-pop-rock...a kinda forgotten participent in th'quo cannon that at th' time o' release this bundle o' fab4 type '67lsd damaged fairytone sound was somewhat outta date for trendworried heads'n to a large degree,civilians who never really came to terms with th'sound outside th'pop chart entrants, but on this album there's some considerably robust playin' that juices up th'tuneage'n make this a sufficiently worthwhile earfull,'n it nearly all stand up in this cynical over exposed age...a barrelful o' excellent production has no doubt helped keep th'sound fresh,'n cats not familiar with this wax will be happily turned on...deservin o' some spintime...
This is a surprise. Their first album is okay-ish, and I'd never bothered to listen to anything else as I really dislike their endless 12-bar boogie, and thought from the cover that this is what it would be - heads down, no-nonsense mindless boogie. But no! It's a pop album! Hooray! And stronger than their debut, too. File alongside the Koobas, Skip Bifferty, and late sixties freakbeat. I can see why Quo fans hate it - but what the hell do they know?
everything you say is correct, th'cover looks to be a wraparound for some interminable hard rock bore, but no its a continuation o' 67 groovyness'n as for quo fans...
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