Thursday'amount o'white album boots(alternative takes/sessions/demos/acetates)must run into th'hundreds by now'n this is one more but its one that will be wanted by all beatle heads'n by any cats who just dig th'rockin' noise cos its some o' th'most rockin' basement takes'n mixes from th'mountain o'tapes filtered down to 15 trx...startin' with cool different takes on hey jude/revolution single'n onto th'LP which is one massive pile up o' rockin' noise, truely a 'back to basics' approach after th'excesses o'67(th'version o' number 9 is quite interestin' bein an early version its rougher'n probably nearer to johns original idea)...not every layabouts favourite tune gonna be here but ain't no cat gonna be in dispute with what just under an hour it flows real well with th'trx sittin' well in th'new abridged context...lennons guitar is real cuttin' on some o' these takes(revolution/helter skelter/yer blues to name three)'n shows his ability to rock up a storm with primal scream string-bendin'...possibly th'main thing about this disk is that it shows th'fabs could still rock th'house'n also do it with some ferosity, they still had th'amphetamine rush they'd had in hamburg but now it was heavier, also even this far down th'pike its hard to think o' any combos that had this sound cos even these 'basement tapes' show they were meshin' their axe's'n chops into a new (but based in th'known tradition)sound that they had been usin' since before pepper, a thicker thud sound from every instrument,real o'imagined...bein' made durin' th'riot torn year o' th'barricades shows in th'straight ahead, gettin' down to th'nitty gritty approach, no more ornation, th'world was fallin' apart with hatred'n conflict'n it was th'fabs mission to reflect this with a destructive/constructive statement...they ask many questions, no least 'why dont we do it in th'road' but more importantly here 'whats th'new mary jane?' askin' which side're ya on?yet they know there is no sides, its an illusion one is a reflection o' th'other, two sides o' th'same coin(much like john'n macca?)th'white album must be seen also in relation to th''get back' ethic that had been sparked by th'beach boys wild honey LP, a very funky move for th'surfer boys, th'basement tapes/john wesley hardin dylan joints, all necessary moves to shake off th'acid storm o' th'past two years(stones jump in with beggars..)this disk keeps th'urgency o' th'times up front, close to th'edge, indeed its robust solidity will accompany those who manned th'barricades againt violent pig oppression from berkeley to tokyo, from paris to prague, th'beatles gave strength to those that may need it...cats th'world over knew th'fabs were their brothers in times o'bleakness, beacons o' light'n hope, future pilots from th'casbah coffee bar...they were 'pop' cos they were part o' th' population,they sang th'new folk blues'n some o' th'population list'ned...dig this'n know these cats still out in front, this joint got it goin' on...


Blogger little billy sunshine said...

i like it!

7:59 AM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

its a great stripped down version,real nice...

12:44 PM  

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