
...cats who're down with th' softs 'n know that th' best period for th' machine was durin th' 69/70 period 're gonna flip a lid 'n crazy dig this noise that was originally laid down for a soundtrk to 'n avant ballet performed at th' roundhouse in ol' london town...lotsa skweeks 'n skweels 'n tape manipulation make for a noggin fillin hour 'n more with one trk lastin over half that time...th' lobes will sure get a loobin while this is rattlin round th' nervous system...


...when this wax hit th' rax th' hi-fi craze was in full swing with suburbanites lookin to get away from th' workaday world 'n batchelors with their modern pads full o' th' latest gear 'n this was a good settin for stan to lay his latest brainy jazz down for a willin audience o' snobs...makin good useage o' th' stereo stan gives up a cross between hollywood soundtrk jazz 'n revved up big band with all th' cuts bright 'n lively...may not sit too well with unrepentant beatnix 'n hooligans this is a good taste o' imagined big city tuneage...


...cats diggin phil for maybe th’ first time could find they just wanna space out ‘n groove thru many extendin ‘n parallel states o’ hi-acity for some time ‘n possibly a few spins down th’ line all thangs become known but by no means clearer…as with many o’ th’60/70 freespirit/avant jazzbo crews jammin ‘n gettin joints out to th’ cats on th’ block, th’ whole history o’ th’ jazzboism creeps in ‘n out thru diff'rent cozmotic vibrations to reveal all facets o’ th’ hep…a top level ‘n fine xample o’ this xpeditious temporal placement is th’ kickoff trk that for 13minits isa dadaist take on th’ early n’awlins noise when th’ whole combo was playin different parts o’ th’ tune seemin’ly in th’wrong places but once th’ noggin became tweeked 'n was in th’ know cats o’ all kinds could ‘n would get lose ‘n dig th’ word…no 60/70’s jazzsnobz ‘n cuboid kritix could stand this free spirit world o’ seemin disharm'ny ‘n th’ general feelin amongst th’ unhep was just that, they were unhep ‘n always were but now th’ mantle was slippin ‘n th’ true face o’ th’ culture freeloaders was showin for all to see…attakkk th’ new music at all costs to preserve their ‘standin’ ‘n all its benefits was th’ order o’ th day ‘n maybe these free thinkers ‘n history aware noise/trouble makers might just start to play proper jazz or even better just go away…to some degree they may have succeeded because th’ whole movement only lasted maybe 15 years but it came when it was most needed ‘n most heeded…recorded in one nine ‘n seventee three/four in detroit which was in sharp decline ‘n this wax is reachin out to th’ poplace to give strength thru hep vibes from many centuries o’ ‘ndurance…wonderful ‘n wonderin ‘n wanderin…


...any cats with a henklin to hear that fuzzy world where th' end o' bop 'n th' strains o' new meet couldn't miss th' target by diggin this '59 effort by one o' th' giants o' post war jazzboin...this mingus biskit sees bop diminishin its 15year hold, in its various times 'n forms, 'n th' tentative rise o' free spirit jazzin o' th' early six ohs that would 'nrage th' uptight kritix 'n unadventurous 'fanz' from here to there 'n everywhere...never a cat to go completely outthere 'n lose th' thread this is mingus in charge 'n chartin his course 'n startin on th' path for th' shenanigans o' th' comin decade...


...high society ('n no doubt a lot were one way'r 'nother) swingin jazz vocals from this chattanooga gal who starred on broadway in th'early 30's'n became a smash hit over in ol' london town with her stylishly smooth but real sound...th'main claim/gimmik is that she played a mean'n funky trumpet,'n could blow with th'best o' em from speakeasy cats to grand hotel swells...19 o' these trx was laid down 35/6'n capture th' sound o' both hot dance'n pop ballads,'n all come with that trumpet lettin out some lix to clik...


...laid down in one sesh back in 53 this is one elpee that every boho 'n beatnik had at th' pad for when some party vibes needed kindlin...a coupla nice moody trx nestle nicely with th' full on blowin th' rest offers up...th' years just roll away while this hot biskit is doin its thang...


...th' mojo that comes with this disk is so full on that these widely unknown yet totally legendary cats 're right in th' room as this spins 'n lets go o' its karmik magik...recorded at th' ann arbor blues 'n jazz fest '73, cats that roamed th' detroit 'nvirons like one string sam, mr. bo, joe l. 'n washboard willie get th' chance to show out for th' people...und'rground heads, factory line scufflers 'n cats outta hock 'n on th' block equaly dig th' kwalitee o' these true to th' bone bloozas...this disk is sequenced just right, its flows thru th' list'ner leavin life 'firmin vibes that stay long after it has faded away waitin to be spun once more...(for cats with some penchant for da fax this was put together by th' creative director o' th' festival john sinclair 'o motorcityfive fame 'n th' fotos by leni sinclair)...


...that there paisley und'rground 'n garage revival o' th' 80's had more shuck 'n jive than a trainload o' carpetbaggers with oversized suitcases...nearly every combo was weak soundin 'n takin cats geetus 'n givin up no life affirmin vibes...lookin like question mark 'r sky didn't cut it 'n th' wax was complete non starter...light on th' horizon came from very few but when it did come it was top draw swillage...these bunch o' cellardwella cats got it down in bundles 'n know how to pummel like its 66 everyday...th' secret these hepsters had was to record their rakkit, not produce it...plays like its a long lost volume o' pebbles...ultra swell 'n ginchy for cats who dig th' proper stuff 'n not th' bluff...


...henry was gettin bizee on th' enwhycee avant scene back in th' sixtys 'n became a bit o' a theorist 'n trouble maker givin him some hep und'rgroun'cred...this wax from 66 is his anti-capitalist/anti war blather which is a real swell rakkit combinin 'n xplosive collision o' mountain music/lowrent beer joint blues 'n rockabilly onna back road just outside o' hixville...done in a rantin hillbilly style this is a great way o' sayin what strata o' society was gettin drug habits or killed out in th' nam...still as relevant now as it was back then...


...imaginin th' blue cheer cats swappin their instuments 'round 'n gettin trapped inside a piano 'n then tumblin down a never endin twisteeturnee flite o' steps while volcanik rock rains down is goin somewhere near to th' sound o' this power trio...but a power trio with a diff'rence, they aint got no bass cos they dont wanna be anchored but they got th' loud 'n it blasts relentless for 25minits...equaly at home in th' avant rock 'r freejazz holes these cats certainly got it goin on...a coupla soopah kwikedits can get a cat alert when played as a wax...hep skronk...


...one o' th great psych mindmeltin wig outs o' th' late80's/early90's revival o' all thangs drugnayshus...this goes in every direction from acoustic loveliness to skyskrappa high fx pedal skronk riffin...a power trio blowout o' 'mense lid fryin proportions...holds its own against any likeminded tripsters that care to try their hand at goin down th' wigglee road to lucy nations tumble down stoned abode...


...th' wordy poetry gives this disk 'n othertime feel, a folky feel from 'n absinthe soaked, opium smokin crushed velvet wearin poet, one nestled way up on high in 'n lofty dusty garrett surrounded by quill pens 'n stax o' parchment ready to catch 'n keep th' wordage...all this mixed with a decadent cabaret vibe that only invited guest 're allowed to xperience...it seems to xist only for th' initiated,cats who have heard th' call to dig a higher vibe...


...a short sharp dose o' high 'nergee shreeekin avant skatta splatta rockin...brings back ace memories o' post punk femme rockers kleenex from th' alps 'n enwhycee downtown artrock combo ut...spin at stun level 'n clear th' noggin for some chunkee 'n wigglee sloppy spillage...
...this wax gotta be one o' dr. chadbournes top efforts in th' rock'n'swill field...street level blotter damaged swirlin bugged out trip on th' onewaytrain to gonesville...crazed covers 'n bang on originals make for some lobe gougin o' th' highest order...cats diggin a full on lid flippin blast gonna fly this platta to endsville 'n beyond...


...way cool xample o' clubsoul combo jiggin a few psych moves into th' sound to keep up with th' comin flower power tastes some o' th' mod audience in hep urban centers o' merrie olde were gettin into...th' jams on this wax is based on what their live show would consist o' with a coupla slow bubblers in 'mongst th' toe tapperz makin for a nice all round lobe loobin...


...when it comes to acid damaged seven oh avant rock swill this second platta from one o' th' all time frisco freeek 'n trash combos comes out way on top...forward thinkin psychodelik basement drugrock...skreeechin metalik geetar clatter, violin skweeekin, tape cutupz, radio transmission from th' bizarre zone, all overseen by a b-movie cheap trashiness that makes this stand right out...collision o' far out combos like vintage 75 cabaret voltaire 'n 27$ snap on face in th' pharmacuetical wing o' primeval yesteryear...better than nearly everythin hyped as acid monsters by cuboid salesmen o' shattered dreams...


...real nice release o' unissued grist from this top 67 psych combo...coupla cuts from th' demos for th' acid mystery blow up, top gear sesh, alt.versions 'n th' main part, their contibution to th' last flower power gatherin in ol' london towne...8trx o' live colour mayhem psychstyle from th' christmas on earth show 12/22/67...includes a crisp version o' strawberry fields...woweezowee...