
...despite bein part o' that wimpy limpy singersongwriter family that gave it th' big whinge back in th' early seven ohs this cat is th' odd one out...hes a roadhouse bluesbelta 'n this wax is a real hot2trot southern rock blowout o' th' first order...apart from th' first trk these are all covers o' then well known songs, but als performance 'n th' real solid backin with xcellent geetar 'n keyboards make them fresh 'n firsttime alive...largely forgotten even by catz that dig th' dixie rockin soundz this doesn't disappoint on any trk...a bonefide tiptop effort...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great , both Siegel Schwall and Alex taylor! I thought I was alone in the universe and you´re right Alex T is a bit more muscular than his sieblings!!

Keep it up and be happy!


1:15 PM  

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