
...this frisco ballroom fillin combo made five good 'n worthy bikits (studio) durin th' timeframe o' them bein a hot 'n relevant force in th' annals o' th' then new music, i.e th' birth 'n evolution o' rock...th' first two are th' birth( folkpop) 'n th' others are rock (evolution)...th' wax here is th' forth 'n th' rock sound is findin its feet...earlier traces o' pop/folk/avantjammin(baxters, th' 3rd wax) is bein molded into a whole 'n with th' aid o' some green (opshunal) 'n some headfones a cat can get hep to all th' ingredience bein placed on th' musical canvas by what is basically a power trio overlaid with voices...geetar bass 'n drums weave around in 'n out creatin a way cool sound that once a handle has been found to grab ahold o', keeps gettin better...any cat who aint heard this in many years may well find this still 'n xtremely good listen...cats who aint heard it but dig th' later post psych sound from 60's may need to give it a coupla spins before they listen more intently, but it may well be worth th' time 'n effort...


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