
...this cat isa bit o' a mad scientist type cos he digs on inventin his own instuments 'n utilizin 'em...on this disk he uses a thingamajig called th' drum buddy 'n he also managed to unload a few in th' market' rakkit is basically offkilta new wave fed thru a blur 'o funkee noise but not too commercial to make it gimmiky drag...deffo up for a few spinz, nicely nice 'n spiffin...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

[ ]'d saviour, com'n thru again!
longtime reader/leecher here, today to say: delicious posting -- words 'n soundz alike -- thxs.

yr site's a cherised bit 'o funky originality out'n the aether.

j.h c

2:12 PM  

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