...twentieth century composition as seen thru freak eyes livin above hollywood observin th' madness o' midsixoh paranoid consoom'rism 'n slavish devotion to th' status quo, be it squaresville drones 'r up2th'minit kount'rkultral hippees...has been referred to as a ballet, but such snobbish chat is for th' hyperreal johnnycomelate citizen 'n not th' more street level heads...its a hep 'n hotcha slice o' jet age slipstream collage o' cinema verite with zonked freex/lowriderbluecollargreasers (scripted 'n fake as fits th' hollywood settin), california music references (surfin for th' old folks/r'n'b spillage), dice'n slice cartoon flik soundtrk instro 'n anythin that might challenge preconcepted ideas 'n life...a soundtrk for times that were changin too fast 'r too slow dependin what side o' th' minddivide 'r generation gap a cat chose to noted, listen to side one first 'n turn up that teenage record player...
...a meetin o' time 'n space...ancient traditions become real in th' here 'n now with voice ' n new fangled technology givin off temporal displacement on some trx 'n others 're just funkee rock'n roll...a very forward thinkin folk biskit that sounds no different in th' present age to th' drugged daze o' yesteryear...a well reefer'd classic, one o' th' toppermost art statements o' th' 60s...
...back in th' hazee fazee daze whilst most hippee layabouts were checkin out und'rground street ragz 'r zap comix these two back alley wizards had their psychodelik nose buried deep in practical d.i.y electronics 'n borrowed from th' library, books on th' mythic times o' th' ancient cats o'olde 'n hepped themselves to intergrate these two interests
...what they came up with was some forward lookin cycliktribal grooves worked out on surplus 'lektronik kwipment 'n a totally oversized drum kit that made for some trancee trips o' basement o' th' all time hotcha'dad'yoh debut biskits 'n probably their most pure work...would take pride o' place in any hepcatz collection, 'n thats th'truth jack, no bout a'dout it...
...what they came up with was some forward lookin cycliktribal grooves worked out on surplus 'lektronik kwipment 'n a totally oversized drum kit that made for some trancee trips o' basement o' th' all time hotcha'dad'yoh debut biskits 'n probably their most pure work...would take pride o' place in any hepcatz collection, 'n thats th'truth jack, no bout a'dout it...
...urban poetry from th' lucy-genik sixtees, in fact th' last months o' that decade sees tim giggin in elay 'n supportin a drug jones that would plague him for th' rest o' his daze...this joint was recorded just before he took off for jazzin 'n funkin spaceways, its hepped-up but mellow bongo beatnikjazz grooves permeate th' air givin these stretched out jams a floatin 'n chaotik sunny day vibe that elevate this artist far above his laurel canyon contemporaries...
...this here combo got to rockin in nineteen&seventee 'n aint stopped yet, they're still kickin up a progged rukkus for 'ny'nall who need to know about such concerns...formed in th' post industrial wasteland o' cleveland these cats dig th' hornrock style o' beer joint prog...this riffs 'n punctuation gotta be on th' one to keep th' audience rockin cos 'ssentially this combo gotta rock to be happ'nin 'n this coaster taped in '76 shows these cats got th' 'xtendedbooogee choogle jams goin on...cats who aint hep to this widely unkown'd aggro gonna get a lobe treat o' th' first order 'n thats a good thang, for sure...
Sunday off'rin from this mainly studio combo provin they could boogee down wit da funk...psychodelik blooz blatta with real nice geetar skreeech 'n minnie goin full throttle with th' octave encompassin skweeekin isa mighty fine entre into live festival sweat 'n grunt chooogle that was gettin pop'lar with th' citizens aswell as heads back in th' late six ohs...
...very nice elpee with some freekbeat 'n a coupla mod dancers 'n a coupla rock pop numbers...4trx got some sneekee hep drug lyrix with humour 'n th'whole shebang got some nice geetar fx 'n fabalous 60's style stereo pannin...nice addition to any shelf o' six oh psych plattas...
...cats gotta be ready when list'nin to this th' last byrds elpee (not 'ncludin that reunion thang), ready with whatever makes spinnin this easier...deffo not up to standard, th' playin is clunkee 'n th' tunes aint really happ' is worth checkin out just to see what one o' th' greatest combos from th' beginnin o' hep six oh grooves were doin at th' end o' their particular road, but some sorta med'cation may well be needed...
Tuesday wrestler makes halfway decent biskit th' headlines mighta said if'n anybody had noticed...knocked out in 'n afternoon this isa real chippa bag o' bluesy turn o' th' 70s hard rockin cut has a bit of early six oh horror rock which len'z a nice bit o'carny style to th'preceedinz...cats will have fun with some o'th' lyrix that're obviously heartfelt but come off onna real people level even tho this geeza is in showbiz...some riffs 're outright steals which is always th'pinacle o'aceness on second divo wax such as this 'n he gets real wig flippin into in his delivery a coupla times...nice cuttin fx geetar take it right to th' next level...proper soopadoopa addition to any rockin pile up o'tardo b-grade slop...
...greg ginn bein th' head honcho o' one o' th' greatest labels o' creative skwiddlee skrunk to emerge since ESP Disk 'n other likeminded homes o'noise 'n black flag weapon weilder put this wax out in 93 'n a chippa bit o' jazzrock noodle it is...short blasts o' lobe loobin rockin skreeech from basement laboratories dedicated to th' continuin o' galaxy meltin high minded swamp slop...
...two disk blowout made from two sessions, one laid down in japan 'n th' other in th' southern swamps o' amerikkka...stealin top riffs from th' three main decades o' rocknroll a hot rockin dad cant go wrong with this hep barrel o' fun...blastin along th' pink pegged highway from memphis to all points on th' hep groove axis this is one great rockin noise, sometimes a little too polite 'n new wave, but puttin some stun on th' levels soon takes care o' any doubts cats may have...
Sunday' last o' their trio o' psych mast'rpieces 'n a fittin end to this part o' th' flyte before change was now 'n off to pastures new up was durin these recordins that crosby left due to ego tribulations 'n was replaced by a horse on th' front cover...anti war blabber/hippee odes/drug anthems 'n th' wonder o' space 're all part o' this niftee waxin 'n th' sound o' th' whole thang is wond'rfully joyous...
...this cat had been makin a bit o' a name in nashville in th' early 70's as a songwriter havin some o' his songs taken up by cats like jerry jeff walker 'n david allen 75 he got to make 'n elpee hisself 'n this first wax is likely his best...made up o' demos 'n tunes recorded on th' fly this is a fantastic soundin disk 'n cats who dig john stewart/early steve goodman aswell as th' country outlaws gonna dig this right from th' getgo...late night funkee list'nin thatsa cool groove all th' way thru...
...not totally acoustic by any means but most 're good qualitee takes o' late six oh early 70's (last few trx come from early 90's with keef vocalizin)...very nice feel, this fits in well with th' whole hep groove o' decadent stonesian vibe...does not disappoint...
...this isa top boot from their last great era when th' whole o' th' influences from blues/country/r'n'r/r'n'b all came together into one stonesian stew...ruff 'n ready 'n totally funkee, any cat gonna need to hear this mix o' hep noise stretchin from 68/71 with a coupla bonus thangs from th' early daze...great stuff that makes a cat wish their released gear was this cool soundin, skuff'd up 'n beer soaked/reefa slouchee like th' real deal badd boyz they thought they were...
...incredible hard rock wahwah jammin with xtra added skreeech via some well tastee violin skrapes 'n skweeeks...acid jams from th' psychodelik basement o' blown minds...trippin skronkee chooogle that melts th' galaxee into one reefer'd hep bubble o' goodness...
...some my-tee-fine testafyin on this soul packed slab o' marvels from a show in nineteen 'n seventee...for once th' title is pretty spot on in th' honesty dept. with th' sound not bein 100% but it aint bad considerin th' distance between then 'n now 'n linda really gives a beltin performance which far outweighs any hifi snob consid'rations...also ya gotta dig th' shows m.c who really goes to town with th' build up speils at th' beginnin...all 'n all just under half 'n hour real goodness that will enrich any cats who aint been sold a pup by todays media flunkees...
...back aways in th' mid seventees th' whole scene mostly was made up o' bland 'n washed up proggers, singersongwriters past their best work 'n glampoppers tryin to capture th' teenee geetus for a few minits before th' make up runs...also on th' map was countryrock 'n pub rock but not too many were really list'nin...hard rock was tryin to go stadium 'n mega but just actin tired 'n 'n there pockets o' resistance held out in backrooms 'n cellars pummelin away for their own sanity if'n no other reason...comin from a land downunder one o' those rockin combos was th' saints who recorded this tape in 74 in a garage (last trk was a live gig), 'n shows 'n 'nthoosiastik gang o' hooligans crashin, bashin 'n thrashin 'n just havin some hep fun...r'n'b 'n good beer swillin rock is all given a good buzzzin thud 'n should be played in th' known fashion - on stun 'r high'r...
Friday' pots really perculatin with this coaster made up from sessions recorded in 64 crossin th' fab4 with blind willie mctell bringin country blues 'n mersey r'n'b together with some mellow acid on th' sunset strip...some o' these cuts were put out in th' seventees on a dodgee soundin boot but here we get th' whole shebang (with trx 19/20/21 havin new vocal overdubbed by taj in 92 coz th' original vocal trk got lost in time) 'n the sound quality is well chippa... one o' th'cornerstones o' six oh noise , aint no cat gonna be disappointed with this hep rakkit...
...knockin out masterpieces in th' mid six ohs was 'n easy thang for this combo even if they were constantly on th' verge o' knockin each other out...this tension helped them to come up with th' goods as this elpee shows to good effect...psychodelik backwards tapes, country twangin, tub thump drums weave in'n out o' great tunes leavin th' list'nin lobes inna very happy state...
...whats to be said that aint been blab'd by every cat thats ever been hep to this o' th' upmost greatest wax that came down th' pike in th' hippee summers o' yore or any other season in any und'rground pad was complete without this blastin away while cats watched th' room melt 'n mold in differin patterns o'' lyrix 're some well thought provokin 'n poetic that none o' their contemp'raries came near...
...gettin their one 'n only joint into th' marketplace in 71this isa nice lowbudget acid rock freekout with a real cool funkee vibe...fx pedal wig liftin madness geetar choogle crops up on most trx 'n th' wond'rfully heavy handed echo on th' vocals isa hep treat thats a total must hear...all topped off with some nice organ fills makin this a welcome addition to any stack 'o wax...
...aways back in th' day(69)these cats hadda groove goin on that mixed acid geetar damage alongside jazzy prog workouts inna late r'n'b/soulrock settin...most definitely th' hotcha trk is th' 20minit bodacious blowout, coltranes jam india which they stretchout on 'n give a hep 'count o' all und'rground biskits did back then it filled th' bargin bin for awhile 'n then disappeared forever...
...early part o'67 sees th' prefabz kickin th' gong 'round 'n cuttin some tunes for their next elpee, their fourth in about 18months...this version is th' way it was originally 'nvisioned before kreeps decided some teen friendly (geetus grabbin by any other name) 'justments were made...sneekee lyrix 'n a more funkee vibe 're on hand to show what coulda been...
Monday's 'nother one o' those cats who travel th' less known paths when it comes to presentin themselves to th' rest o' th' world so 'nsurin they will remain forever obscure 'n preserved in a time 'n place o' their own makin...this coaster is made from a coupla sessions recorded 'round 68/9 so therefore predatin his 'major rarity' waxin that became hot 'mongst th' chatterin collectors out in th' kuboid' recordins 're ruff 'n ready basement level folkrock direct from greenwich village 'n not th' jinglejangle west coast version 'n th' low-fi-ness helps make it sound more like its beemin outta middle earth fm station on transistor with failin batt'ry...real nice late at night when most negative 'nergee has disapated for 'nother day...