
...back aways in th' mid seventees th' whole scene mostly was made up o' bland 'n washed up proggers, singersongwriters past their best work 'n glampoppers tryin to capture th' teenee geetus for a few minits before th' make up runs...also on th' map was countryrock 'n pub rock but not too many were really list'nin...hard rock was tryin to go stadium 'n mega but just actin tired 'n 'n there pockets o' resistance held out in backrooms 'n cellars pummelin away for their own sanity if'n no other reason...comin from a land downunder one o' those rockin combos was th' saints who recorded this tape in 74 in a garage (last trk was a live gig), 'n shows 'n 'nthoosiastik gang o' hooligans crashin, bashin 'n thrashin 'n just havin some hep fun...r'n'b 'n good beer swillin rock is all given a good buzzzin thud 'n should be played in th' known fashion - on stun 'r high'r...


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