
...from th' same sessions as th' first disk, here comes some more songs 'n a few alternate versions (just like bonafide rock'n poppers) on this second cash in with th' unwanted children o' straight uptight amerikkka...cats gettin th' idea th' first outtin was a bit cleaned up will need to get th' lobes up close to this one cos there hangs a grungy murk all over this givin it a more 'get th' fear'' whole vibe o' this sessions is pretty upbeat 'n jolly with th' gals wailin behind th' surrogate charlie, everyone onna tripp'd groove...perfect accompaniment for roamin th' back alleys o' lonesome towns in broken down doon buggys lookin for salvation...fits somewhere into th' twisted california saga as it does into th' somewhat tatty tapestry o' rock'nroll...


...whilst not nearly as prolific as th' mainstream squares, th' counterculture sure knows how to cash in on a deal now 'n then 'n this isza top xploito biskit if'n there ever was...could well be seen as a streetlevel take on th'happy campfire image o' th' laurel canyon hippee elite...take way that name from th'cover 'n this would fetch some serious scratch in some rich collector circles as it would be hyped as communal rural rock from mysterious tribe o'dropouts hidin from straight society...a doodletown pipers for th'wasted generation...taped in elay in 1970,tho in th'twentyfirst century it could possibly be used as a kinda talisman 'gainst forces o'goverment oppression'n played before a reefer'd out creepycrawl is undertaken...


...recorded by some hep thinkin cat on 03/15/nineteen69 at th' boston tea party in front o' lous amp 'n as a result all th' squeel 'n scrunch is upfront givin th' illusion they're playin instro versions with th' vocals so far down...a very nice amount o' choogle 'n poundin th' whole way thru 'n all layabouts should dig th' way heroin slips into sister ray for over halfhour endin th' set...dig th' keyboard/geetar mangle at about two thirds thru, real boss soundin...tape hiss 'n bad editin lets th' velvet head into th'murky world o' illicit list'nin...last three trx on disc two come from th' same venue(trx2&4 12/12/68, trk3 07/11/69) 'n give up some more velvetness which is as necessary 'n usefull as a cleandout 'n fresh bong on long afternoons o' hooligan indulgence...


...wooo-eeee this soundtrx jazzbo blowout is so cool it coulda been from th' fiftees with its loose'n lazy/punchy 'n bloozee dual attack...a mixture o' big band 'n moody avantness keep this movin right along...plays well as a piece o' work on its own rights aswell as soundtrack fodder...shows that even as late as 78 there was still some thought 'n effort put into flik music 'n not just another xercise in inertia 'n hustlin for bux...


...there come times when a cats gotta alter their whole thinkin when it comes to th' psychodelik lucynation generation 'n its so called wild sounds that was thought to be a communist plot when really it was mostly just some squares sellin some product...thats where this biskit takes up its life, a few studio cats(felix pappalardi/dave bromberg/rusty evans) makin a coupla bux pretendin to be some farout hippee groovers 'n prove to be better than th' real thang(whoever that might be now that everythin is so mixed up, who are th' cubes 'n who're th' weirded out heads)'n there they come on like a collision o' early electricdylan meets zappas freakout 'n then they turn in a folkpoponacid toon 'n then its all soundin like some stoned trance eastern jam onna wayout with all hep 60s waxins theres studio manipulation 'n stereo pannin makin it all wiggy...real or hype/hype or real, th' whole deal is liable to melt perception o' what is fake 'n what is real, is fake itself real, can th' real be faked or is it all just a bizniz shuck, sometimes a winner sometimes a binner but this fake sure isza winner 'n thats reality...


...more out there grooves from th' ever wonderful 'n hep thinkin ESPDisk via this euroboot which sounds like it was dubbed from a used wax but it kinda adds to list'nin with it bein a more direct beam to those times o' counterculturalness backaways...if'n patty waters hung at avant cafes then erica was more at home in th' beatnik joints that were visited by passin parisian style layabouts with an eye for somethin happ'nin...beatnik folk wailin with freejazz sitar jams make for this bein a real sixoh biskit that was overlooked 'n forgotten as soon as it was put out for hippee consumption...way more relevant to th' state o' th' planet in 68, with riots 'n general unrest burnin up minds aswell as cities than any number o' 'monster acid wax' that get th' thumbs up from some cats not too clued in...


...from th' getgo th'skreeech o' feedback on th'melody laughter trk that kicks off this wonderous boot all velvetheads 'n layabouts o' a hep'n curious nature will know that they're in for a galaxy bendin' mindmelt o' a trip...lastin' for over halfhour this builds up to some sorta epic proportions that not too many ever reach with th'insistant thud from moe'n some lobe poundin' squeal from john 'n lou 'n sterling givin' th' occasional flurry o' notes when th'mood takes ahold...this is avant/freejazz blatter as interpreted by 'n for th'NOW rock generation though no-one really knew that for sure at th' chips in here'n there with some cooled out chantoozeein'n towards th'end lou gives out with some chant style wordage...thats th' first trk'n then they go into a 'greatest hits/first elpee as will be' routine(femme/venus/death song/parties) that all add to th' swirl o' noise that th' roobs in columbus musta wondered what this bigcity popmusic was turnin into...this aint th' sorta racket that sits too well in booney type places 'n in '66 this is a blowin' apart th' known world(car culture/drive-ins/petty vandalism) when it comes to that there'second disk continues th'journey into th' black hole o'tomorrow where th'unknown manifests destiny in th'unseen art o' chaos rocknroll...another halfhour jam crops up further in 'n again th'velvet haze envelopes th' listner...60s heads will dig th' murky tape hiss thats lets th'beatnik know this is a peek thru th'muddy window to see th' uture leakin through walls o' innocent perception...definitely one o' th' places th'mythical sixties started for cats stranded in th' entrenched 50s land o' cold war patriotism'n wasteful unthinkin'/unblinkin' consumerism 'n general subservience to 'authority'...


...cats who aint heard no uncut funk for a few decades may wanna do a double take on this wax...its from th' mid ninetees, not a time known for layin down any heavy, super heavy funk but this biskit snuck out 'n its th' real deal...funkee like some week ol' chicken left on th' back stoop in th'midday sun,this is ruff tuff'nhard to bluff...this is th'gen-you-wine street level stone to th' bone phatfingerlickinfunk that used to be made onna regular basis but when ideas changed th' bean counters arrived 'n so did th' synthesized weak kneed disco 'soul' that had th' funk frozen out to make way for th' air conditioned penthouse pap that passed th' true funk head in th' scramble on th' way to th' bank...its nineteen70 all over again when this platta is spinnin 'n that aint such a bad deal, infact its soopah bad brothuh, 'n thats a solid fact...

Wednesday this isza very nice artifact o' daze gone by, th' unreleased 69 album from early b.o.c when they were th' stalk forrest group...its got some nice quicksilver style geetar but on a much more consise 'n economical tip, not xtended ballroom jams, this is compact, not' arrangements give off a mild air o pete townshend meets westcoast acid rock (witha bit o' country rock, tho thats more likely a temporal thang, a coupla years on 'n that wouldn't be there)...why elektra failed to release this debut gem isza strange puzzler cos this is right up there with other top draw combos (clear light/love/quill/wackers) makin th' label th' heppest o' hep...this coaster comes complete with demos 'n mono 45 arthur comics, very very cool 'n chippa...


...well its gotta be said that th' absolute first thang a cats gonna notice here is those vocals that are right in there in mid seven oh land (th' only decade where even squares would give a listen to this tho they'd be gettin a laugh outta them) glam/rockyhorror operatic proggy rock skreeechin o' th' first order so camp they gotta holiday in a tent...this woulda gonna down well in some back alley enwhycee avant drinkin establishment, where th' unusual is' music isza meldin o' lightclassical/FM progrock/hardrock with a harkin back to earlier psych times with th' prominence o' th' violin sawin away...when this wax hit th' rax more than a few heads thought th' new acid rock period was on th' rise 'n with sandy pearlman at th' helm that mighta been more than right thinkin, what with th' blue oyster cult doin their best to get some sorta 60sheavy metal/hard rock/scifi drugged noise goin on...over 'n down th' second side theres a pbs/tom rapp vibe hangin over th' preceedins givin it 'nother connection with acid fusions 'n other temporal worlds...layabouts who're younger or heads who just aint heard it might need to let this spin a coupla times before givin it a reefer'd list'n but it stands up well as an xample o' when times allowed for such xcentricities (or pomposities dependin on point o' view)...


...marble index'n desertshore with xtras(demos/alt.vers) is just what a cat needs to journey outtaspaceways into serious hep'most euro avantsville way beyond th'known dullest nothiness o' th'peripheral usual...anyways a cats checks this double coaster, whether it be as vast vistas o' bleak desolation or havens o' hope'n beginnins these are cool trance vehicles for leavin time behind'n enterin a different area o' bein that dont open up too often...dronin folk noise from dimensions unknowed to most, only th'select few shall ever venture near to where this sound emenates but they can revive th'livin dream many fear may be crushed by th'relentless onslaught o'2wenty1st century amerikkkan empiracal machine that imposes demands from free thinkin layabouts worldwide with its constant mediababble o' dubble'doubletalk'n poisonous drugs peddled thru dupes who know not what th'master holds in store for their carcass o' in th'end all that is desired to be known is when th'janitor o' loonacy comes to visit on th'lawns o' dawn a cat must withdraw to th'dusty garrett, close th'crushed velvet drape, prepare th'leaf'n sail forth on harmoniums agogo to a place o' frozen warnins far beyond th'borderline where th'roses in th'snow appear near th'desertshore...


...comin to prominence on th' tail end o' th' xotica craze this combo did some reworkin o' then popular toons in a sunny bossa elay style 'n managed to capture th' hifi market 'n workaday patriots who could groove to their light 'n airy sounds...this double elpee isza good look at their first years 'n comes off as a chippa list'n for sunny afternoons when all thangs need to be groovee...

Sunday th' turn o' th' 70s/80s merseyside was awash with acid 'n to go with this mind alterin climate a lotta ol' west coast elpees were given a dustin off 'n great swaths o' deadness/doors/airplane/wcpaeb were permeatin th' ether once' early combos from this liverscene (teardrops/echo/wah!) all showed they'd got th' new psychodelik bug with nods to these earlier generation o' mind xplorers in th' first gigs 'n tapes 'n th' pale fountains weren't no xception to this wigged rule...their take on west coast acid noodlin was slightly different tho' with lashins o' arthurly loveness piled high with dollops o' grooviness from A&Mrecords M.O.R catalog 'n it works real well (as it had o' course for loves forever changes)...sunshine pop from industrial wastelands 'n unemployment Qs for th' next NOW generation...