
...this is definitely a product o' th'times(69) with tea time sike mergin into early prog with some classical ideas, filched from th'nice no doubt,some club jazz keyboard workouts, horns decoratin th'edges all molded into one uncertain blend that at th'release date promptly fell upon no ears at all due to th' instant label goin bust...this was andy loog oldhams new label to document th' changin times in ol' london towne but it proved to much with various creditors knockin on his door so this 'n th'immediate imprint fell into disuse'n th'wax on to th' bargin bin'n future 'rarity' xcellent package o' goodness that will sound better after a few spins cos theres some mighty fine grooves nestlin here...


...a-lu-pu-pa-du,this collection o' 78RPM waxins're straight from th'fridge dad'n that aint no shuck, sir this is a blip-blu bop session... only bop spoken here, this aint fo'th'fool, only fo'th'cool...24trks o' hep zooted bop for th'cats outta hock'n on th'block...let professor bop be th'guide on this hip trip to th'cool world o' reefered cats'n hand painted ties...lop-pow-loop-plu-e-du...


...totally cool reissue o' clear lights one'n only 12''player plus that for years elusive b/side(trk7)'n this is a very welcome addition to th'west coast acid scene as personified by th'early doors/love/lee michaels first wax/glass'fact that they were on elektra recs. shows up quite regular with vocal inflexions straight from jimbo'n arthur'n some dynamics copped from respective combos...theres enuff folk left-over grooves to give this a base o' operations with some flowery poetics mixed into some theatical performances that were all happ'nin back then with th'new hippee sounds...they rocknroll better than th'doors,more in th'love camp if comparisons keep goin which they look to'hype with these cats used to be built around th'double drum kits they employed but this is really nothin to get to xcited about nothin too spectacular happ'ns tho live this may well have been somethang for th'stoned onlookers to get into...a coupla asides that help hook these cats into th'psychedelik rock tapestry is th'fact that early 60s nightclub folk comedian robbie th'werewolf (whose self released elpee got a few collectors hot until it was actually heard) turns up as technician/guru'n they also appear in th'hollywood flic 'th'presidents analyst' o' th' best psych elpees from th'original tymes...


...whilst th'cats over at sun were debatin th'wiseness o' lettin elvis go, meteor records got down to th'serious bizniz o' findin a replacement'n hopefully score some gold...every chancer hillbilly'n wide eyed rockabilly turned up to get their few minits in th''sun' 'n some even managed to get a platter or two out into th'market place'n get some o' that newly minted teenage geetus...naturally there wasn't another king in waitin but there sure were some funky hillbillys'n solid gone dads paradin their toons'n really there aint any bad trx appearin, all are a stone groove, some better than others but nothin to slow th'proceedins'n make a cat get all squared out...list'nin to this its obvious there was a lotta hep cats'n kittens down memphis way back in th'day, musta been somethang in th'water('n whiskey)...fiddle scrapin'n tailfeather shakin is th'order o'th'day on this double disk blowout...