
...this is some mad mental gubbins from th'exploito cover inwards, an hours worth o'helter skelterin in its various states, tho not all different its a goodly earful that plays well in circumstances that allow for mind stretchin...theres about 3 different takes with different mixes'n a 9minit runthru thats kinda like krautrock noise meets th'FUNHOUSE stooges, well outta control sound that towards th'end is startin to go into some tranced-out black metal spew from th'deepest psychodelic dungeon imaginable...when gettin into chattin with beatle bores it may be good to mention they invented th'future o' rock music'n this would o'course sit well with said bores, then drop in this helter skelter jam that prefigured euronymous/death mayhem by 20 years, travelin space-heads from th'mersey sow together kraut/stooges/church burnin in EMI(home o' squares) in summer 68(th'riot days)...not on this coaster but in maccas collection is a half hour helter jam where they lock into a dirty rockin groove that moves back to 50s rocknroll along th'way(hotcha)...if this was knockin about as a boot back in charlies spahn ranch daze it would be required death valley list'nin from mornin to mornin 24/7, they'd blown their minds to mush, beyond th'requirements o' family life...an experimental listen to say th'least'n just right on a bong'd afternoon with th'sun blazin'n temporal concerns suspended due to inactivity...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

goddamm this is good, tanks. Is you got the 1/2 hour helter jam you mention?.....i'd love to have it. shit, i'd love to have this vinyl for the sweet cover art

11:13 PM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

apparently theres only one copy o'th'looong jam'n thats in pauls collection(original tape)but he did want th'second jam they did which lasts 15 minits put on th'anthology 3 but was vetoed by george/ringo as a waste (ho-hum)...

2:36 AM  

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