
...when chrome slipped out from their psychedelic dungeon in ol'frisco back in 76 they came like a bolt from th'blue,not too many cats were kickin' up this sorta stoned yet very alive stew o' bad nutmeg trips back in th'mid70s...this was psych for th'next millennium,not retreads from th'first era,this was ground zero NEW TRIPPED OUT SCI-FI metal psych,where reality is a paranoid wobbly plane o'existance...screechy metallic guitars riff'n collide over manipulated tapes'n repetitive drums,TEEVEE samples wander into view'n disappear under squeeky violin splurt,distorted vocals'n cut up voices keep it all rollin along(a lazy comparison would be early pere ubu from cleveland but chrome have more rock'n roll attack,not quite as lumberin')...flipped out bug-eyed alien damage is th'order o' th'day on this 3cd package o'goodies from th'first'n decidedly best period o'chromeness,this is not a reissue o'th'original box set o'6 vinyl disks from around 83,this is a substantial re-jig with trx taken out'n replaced by others'n they both start with LP 2(alien soundtracks,'visitation',th'first is not represented for some reason best known to some one,somewhere)...cats diggin' th'small isolated basement practioners o' pharmaceutical freefrom freakout rockin' like destroy all monsters first incarnation/michael yonkers band/flow/early red crayola will dig this th'most,a brain oozin' gush o' twilight zone madness invokin' surreal visions from beyond th'spheres,a hemorrhagin' o' outta control beatnik slop beamin' in from th'WEIRD-SIDE...latter incarnations o' chrome have not been as satisfyin as these early disks(same ol'story for every combo)n' gettin' lumped in with th'industrial genre has devalued their worth no end,but that don't take away from th'fact that once they were a mighty force o' flipped out (bad)acid rock,one o' th'all time greats in mind disturbin' psych-noise,th'midnight demons from th'church with no upstairs,a cold clammy critical mass o' TV eyes...cats in th'know can slip it to th'android'n dig th'pharoah chromium,at least until all data lost,its that easy,it aint no jive,clyde...


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