Friday'legendary 'whats th'new mary jane', a lennon tune that came around durin' th'summer o' 68 first started croppin' up outside beatle bore circles when it appeared on a coupla syd barrett boots in th'early seventies cos syd was supposed to be sittin' in but that unfortunately has just to remain a myth for now'n evermore...its john, george'n yoko plus mal evans gettin' down'n funky with some avant garde tomfoolery to compliment th'revolution 9 number but was rejected as double album fodder by paul who knew lennon was askin' too much havin' such shenanigans on their post pepper return to th'roots album(much preferrable to have ob-la-di) so it was mooted to be a plastic ono single but that was scrapped as apple fell into corrupt hands...hence this boot gettin credited to th'ono band cos as john once said'anyone can be th'plastic ono band', it just takes courage to step outside th'known...this is 50 minutes o' differin' takes'n overdub sessions which is easier to listen to than may at first appear to be th'case, tho fab4 geeks'n avantophobes may look upon things differently, they may wish to hear honey pie once more...


Blogger fulhamx said...

Sorry to seem really stupid, but where are the links ?

11:21 AM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

run th'cursor over th'txt, all will become clear...

1:08 PM  
Blogger fulhamx said...

Ahhh, very clever thank you for this and for any others I may grab
There is some great stuff on here
Thanks again

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good to have you back - I thought you were permanently lost in orbit!

If I've read you right, you seem to imply that Macca was the "straight", insisting on nice twee songs for the White Album. McCartney was well ahead of Lennon in his love for the avant-garde, eg listening to Stockhausen, and Revolution No.( is largely his, not Lennon's. Anyway, I think "Mary Jane" is just as irritating as Ob-La-Di.

If I got you wrong, I apologise! But give Macca his due (sometimes difficult, I know, what with him being such a smart-ass).

6:46 AM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

ya totally on th'money regards macca bein' on th'avant tip,he was runnin'round london groovin'th'weird trip while lennon was stuck in th'stix with cynthia,helpin'get indica goin'plus givin'loot to IT when they needed it(all th'time)...

7:30 AM  

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