Friday'thing about th'fabs tapein' every last piece o' beatleness is it can sure get mighty confusin' after all these years about what was what'n why in th'emergence o' th'last wax'let it be', what with glyn johns mixes be pressed up in possibly three versions(some cats say theres four different takes'n mixes makin' it to full LP test pressin' stage but this could be down to fake boots from back in th'day when these things cost a decent chunk o' change), george martin tried to interest th'fabs with th'different pressin's but they were lethargic to th'sounds, not quite realisin' they had acheived their desire to' GET BACK' to where they once belonged, th'live in th'studio creatin' th'vibe groove they hungered for is in plenty o' these bootlegs o' th'sessions(cats should dig a copy o' 'last licks live' th'proposed LP o' th'rooftop gig for some idea o' a controlled live beatle bash, th'whole thing is tightened up by some george martin splicin')...these pressin's found their way over to uncle sams autocracy'n started gettin' air space on th'FM radio staions who beleived they were in possession o' th'new fab4'disk in question here is th'first genuine beatle boot put out by th'first hippy underground cats to get involved with illicit wax, 'kum back' as it was known crept outta berkeley(pressed in los angeles) in late '69 in a quantity o' 2/300 copies...with th'title stamped on th'front bein' th'only indication that it may have some connection to th'fabs(no pictures/titles)it sold to th'local radicals/hippys in a matter o''trx're not in th''correct' place as th'runnin' order had in no way been finalised, this in itself is a cool back to '69 talisman,back to th'daze when th'fabs were still th'guidin' light in underground circles, (cats can dig it for th'first time)its like th'let it be box aint come out yet, this is grail from pepperland'sound aint bad considerin' th''on th'fly' low rent pressin'n this actual copy ain't as scratchy'n worn out as th'age may suggest'n th'scuffy noise here'n there is just extra texture to th'legend...


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