
...june 26th 1970'n th'velevts're fadin' away with th'euro/avant wing o'cale'n nico long gone,moe gettin' ready for a baby its just lou'n sterling'n as any true velvet-head knows it takes th'original 5 to really gettin' th'whole shebang firin' on all cylinders...lou's poetic look at 'real'street life,sterlings guitar,cales drone sensibilities,moes otherworldly trance thud'n nico wanderin' round bein some enigmatic ice creature starin' into th'void...replacein' th'irreplaceable with replacements doug'n billy yule,through no fault o' theirs, its just th'way they groove,turn th'underground into a rock band'n cos lous not terribly interested into group situations anymore doesn't bother to ignite'n burn like before...these rehearsals takin' place on this disk were again taped by bridget polk,a long time admirer'n cohort who liked to get th'scene down on tape much like andy did in th'beginnin'...not surprisin'ly th'sound quality is poor though listenable(all velvet heads know th'deal), in a documentary sense,this is not an immediately easy experience,although once through th'initial hearin' it gets less o' a chore to pierce th'murk'n grab an hour o' late velvets gettin' a jam or two in,gettin' ready to play NYC,a place they never fit into cos in reality th'city was'n is a conservative hick town,not open to self examination,definitely not open to th'velvets form o'drug rock,where time is suspended through th'tribal dance within'n without...we get to hear bits'n pieces o' conversation'n bridget seems to move th'recorder a coupla times as th'sound improves with it gettin' slightly clearer...important in velvet timeline as this is a okay 'fly on th'wall' listen to th'combo as they wind slowly down to become a forgotten force only to re-emerge in th'punk years as th'original saviours o'rockroll who amalgamated th'amphetamine glam rush o' elvis with avant theatrics o'old europe to challenge th'NOW generation who were groovin' to ersatz psych'n lounge rock...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

end of the line for a great band still sounds great. len

2:50 PM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

even when lous bored outta his mind he's always givin' that little something special with th'velvets (maybe not his solo stuff, thats a different matter)...

3:05 PM  

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