
...cats who dig combos like tripsichord music box/KAK will flip with this LP o' th'bandersnatch studio recordin's,includin' some seriously long versions o' tunes that appeared on th'cd comp that came out in th'mid 90s,that comp was a mindblowin' ear opener as to how cool these cats were back in th'day,one o' th'only combos to get anywhere near translatin' psychedelic ballroom noodle into some proper studio jams...if this had been a legit LP release back in 68 they'd sure given QMS something to think about,especially th'messy happy trails wax which nowadays is somewhat difficult to get into(first side anyhows)...wigliftin',blast-bombs o' mindshatterin' string-bendin' over a tripped out blooz choogle make this one o' th'finest pure examples o' haight ashbury acid leakage ever,a ballroom light show experience for th'mind,a magic carpet ride into th'white light...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that my ears or are the walls melting,.
HA! Thanks for this GREAT SF PSYCH!

6:31 PM  
Blogger mbrindell said...

Hey Spaced, The link is gone. Any chance for a re-up? Thanks

2:07 PM  
Blogger spacedsaviour said...

try it now...

2:04 PM  

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