
...excellent racket from factrix in 1981,screechin' in a throbbin' gristle way,noise gratin at th'edge o' chaos,slightly velvets some o' th'time(66/67 when cale was lettin rip with th'avantisms)...a heavy disturbin' vibe informs this swill pile o' mangled rusty nails,sun baked acid madness standin' at th'periphery o' a gapin' chasm o' vile entrails...when monte cazazza comes on th'vocals theres a kinda doors groove goin' on but it don't sound like th'doors,maybe jim morrison was checkin' them from somewhere out there in th'netherworld...creakin''n chuggin' through a landscape o' neurosis,nerve endins' janglin''n fryin' with electricity,a bad drug eruption from th'ugly side o' town...distressin' visions from th'hideous truth that envelopes th'world,a mirror through which th'onlooker must pass to come to some new awareness,a new state o' conscious bein',coughin' up inflamed ulcers from th'very guts o' rock'n roll creatin' another kinda trash thats mighty fine when played with th'volume on stun...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, really appreciate you sharing all this.

2:59 PM  

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