...an exploitational waxin' that was recorded when th' trials started to keep th'family in th'public eye,as if th'public needed remindin',th'rich squares were in a panic to th'degree th'family were in their dreams, castin' creepy crawl nightmares across nixons land...this white vinyl platter was released in th' mid 80s'n its sound is somewhat more expansive than th'subsequent compact disk issues, its like cappy/squeaky/ouisch/brenda/gypsy/sandy'n clem're in th'room with th'listener in th'centre...this may be more GETTIN' TH' FEAR than is absolutely needed but th'chance to hang with this freaky crew comes on big here, they're right up front in full effect...clem does a passable attempt at gettin' to th'core o' manson lyrics but it comes down to th' girls to keep things goin' with their devils hole cheer leadin', layin' down th'death valley gospel with some heavy amount o' gusto, wailin'n moanin'n laughin', bein'down with their very own distinctively singular aquarian love vibes...ride th' helter skelter into th'heart o' darkness with th'garbage people, th'girls on th'corner await th'final judgement, which it seems is yet to be written...
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