THIS WHOLE MESSY GAGGLE O' NONSENSE SEEMS TO BE FULL, TH'CAPACITY HAS NOW CONTRACTED TO ZILCH SO TH'TRIP GOES EVER ON AT SPACED2SAVIOUR ...drop on by... evidenced by th' cover th'new trippy spacedout experience o' 67/8 was reachin' all comers pretty fast...a nice approxamation o' th' live psychedelic dungeon wig out for th' hippy/college fratsters that this windy city aggregation reached with this second biscuit...livin' within a slightly looser vibe than th' first 'n some stretchin' out is in place no doubt due to playin' hazy, fazed-out ballrooms...chipper effort that was overlooked by th' great unwashed denizens o' squaresville but it did put them on th'underground circuit map...last 2tracks come from rejected sessions for 1st wax...

...back in th' day it seemed every town worthy o' any rock'n'roll credentials, a burg that could foister a rockin' vibe at least on saturday night had a band like th' dogs...a combo in transition from a goin' nowhere post glam thudders to rockin' in a punky style which if lucky would score some sort o' singles deal with a hep independent...this live slab from '77 takes a cat right to th' heart o' urban rockin' that took place in backrooms 'n cellars planetwide (at least in a p-rock wide sense)...good wallopin' ragged tunes, a dedication to one j. thunders, audience participation, a velvets cover 'n a crackin' go at their boot boy 45...great stuff 'n any cat with a rockin' groove will dig this...

...summer 78 sees sid gettin kinda busy bein' th'frontman(as opposed to th'spectale)with gigs in london'n NYC with backin' cats th'calibre o'rat scabies/glen matlock/mick jones/jerry nolan at th'different venues...this exploito has a great cover ripped off from maxs kansas city LP with sids name in heavy metal font plus sid tryin' to get to grips with his given axe...over two days in september sid played four sets at maxs'n two o' them are stapled onto this coaster with th'combo firin' through stooge swill/dolls splat 'n a fine noise it is too...sids pretty together most o' th'time careenin' around givin' th'toppin' to this cool sleaze-arama'n a proper vibrant addition to any cats pile o' street trash...

...summer 1976'n punk is makin' inroads with layabouts, hooligans'n general thrill seekers across ol'london towne...this tape comes from th'screen on th'green cinema appearance o' malcolms young hopefuls as they top th'bill'n its only a couple days away from th'100club festival that will finally prove that th' punk phenomenon is here to stay, though o' course not entirely in this D.I.Y state(d.i.y will still exist'n mutate'n gather other free minded individuals in a snow ballin' o culture to sit as inspiration to comin' generations, but they will take th'inspiration'n grab th' cash'n get ripped off by corporate scum who always move in for th' kill)th'pistols got some grief from squares in th'media as bein' some kinda puppets,under some svengali teddy boys control, but th'truth is really th' other way round, they were takin' advantage o' th' late late hippy days, by usin' malcomes bread'n stealin' guitars from those awfull instrument emporiums that think they're high'n mighty flyers in th'rock game, hustlin' gigs on th' stealth, by invasion, street level layabout gypsy rock'nroll...gettin' down to cases'n logically thinkin' this through it could be th'gig that sponsored th'end o' punk, dig th' line up, th' big three? before th' jam entered with their brand o' hyped up super rock'n roll rhythm attack'n take it too th' hit parade'n stay as frequent visitors, not just popular gimmics, no one hit wonder status for'cinema that hosted th'event was an independent liberal concern but as all cats know th' independent liberal is often just a cover to contain th' ego greed o' a genre capitalist, this bein' th'art/culture genre, an area populated by scammers'n theives, liars o' upmost ability to convince...throbbin' gristle would debut a few months later at th'ICA, an avant liberal art spot, though gen p. has managed to scam th' scammers quite a bit o' th' time, a nice exercise in avant/hippy/punk freeloadin' on behalf o' bohemiam cats everywhere givin' inspiration for th' truth to break through, to unbind th''sound aint th'best but better than some pistol boots plus turnin' th'thing up to stun(as often is th' way, sometimes th' only way) will help create th'long hot punk summer when hope was again in th'air,a new groove was busy bein' born,'n busy dyin', maybe bein' cocooned for a more presenatable facade(boomtown rats come to mind, herky jerky new wave chancers, disguised as punkers, pajamas bein' a radical look in ireland in all possibilty)...grab some cheep speed'n a few beers, mellow a trifle with th' reefer, safety pin this to th'stereo'n history will be (no)fun...

...whoaho dig this teenage swamp blast, this is one fullup coaster o' way chipper 'n goodly grooves, solid in its propensity to slurry wrong side o' town rockin''sound o' young cats graftin' in lowrent beer joints 'n cuttin' demos 'n learnin' how to work together as one way hep combo...there's some small jiggary-pokary(not always a good sign, alterin' history is to be looked at with some skeptisism, but a keen eye/ear should decipher th'real deal) from overdubs in '76 but basically all a cats gotta know is this is '71 'n th'vibe is laid back R&B, slight loner stoner moves (due to hangover no doubt) 'n a hunger to stretch out 'n make a mark...some real good lyrics make this even better than to be expected (specially trk14)...

...a total apt title to this euroboot which seems to be a pile up o' rehearsals from '88 which makes it about th' time 'dead' joined up to do th'throat roarin'...this is mainly instros buried under storms o' tape hiss givin' this th'required necro sound these metal heads were lookin' for...deep in th'basement these cats're found workin' on a thunderous coupla riffs which became their signature tunes, feedbackin'n pummellin' them into th' ground relentlessly lookin' for th'true explosion o' rockin' swill...turnin' th'dank air into a fetid soup they wade through endless slop hammerin' th' ultimate riff into th' shape that will satisfy th' endless night they inhabit...layabouts might wanna dig trk5 which is a drum solo but th'first half has just th' right amount o' sonic screach that it sounds like prime era ESP-Disk free jazz...indeed th'whole o' th'mayhem original aesthetic was similar to NYC jazzbos in th'alientatin' th' audience enough to build a more sympathetic one which would hopefully view 'n understand life 'n art differently from th'earlier onlookers, certainly th' 60s jazzers got enough square hatred(downbeat mag for one) thrown their way to know they were on th' right track cos now 4decades down th' road they're revered like no other jazzbos in th' last half century...roundabout half way through th' thing seems to take on a psychedelic trance vibe with th' tape hiss gettin' louder for awhile as if actin' as a buffer to keep th' listener from driftin' to far into th' second mind which by now will have woken in most cats who get that far into th' oooze...even th' fact that this is over a mindbendin' hour long it would be too short at twice th' length...somewhere in time 'n dimension this is th' soundtrk to life, which must open up other, more far reachin' vistas o' (un)reality...

...layabouts familiar with th' way underground metal has spread through th' years from blue cheer to blue oyster cult to german oak to venom will know that these two bands represented on this exploito wax're th' cornerstones o' modern metal(though in no way should that be held against them)...comprised o' a coupla demos from both morbid'n mayhem th'common factor bein' vocal interpreter dead...morbids death metal rattle shows up with a cool scuzzy acidrock guitar squeal to give th' list'ner that extra jolt(trk one has great ballroom style mindfry string bendin' on top o' th' technical death flurries)...second trk kicks off with a 60s style mood before th' riffin' takes over...all o' morbids side is a 'real cool ride' vibe, thats really goin' for it (like early 70 hard rock/stooges punk metal just skimmed'n floated off th' wax into th'room'n buzzed cats into another reality somewhere between NOW 'n somewhere else brother, somewhere else)...mayhems side starts off in a thick slower soupy sludge 'n then cranks it up to give off a fast rockin' vibe but darker than th' morbid' slower parts also have psychedelic ballroom screach but here th' ballroom is someway underground in a physical sense as well as esoteric culture...theres a heavy bad drug feel to this that hadn't been really heard in rock'roll for many years, maybe since th' germs rocked th'L.A trends/hippys with their brand o'slopfall/crash burn aesthetic...deads in really a zone o' his own, uppin' th'freaked out level from th' earlier combo by a goodly distance...this disk is highly recommended to all who dig th'noise'n vibe o'edgar broughton/stackwaddy'n th' self beleif o' budgie/les rallizes all mixed in a scuzzy hazy otherworld o' obsessed/paranoid bad dreams made manifest by beatnix from th'frozen north (who thought venom were for real)...a very important historical document aswell as a great outpourin' o' wigged out spazz...

...taped at a couple o' rehearsals durin' '91, these're th'last transmissions from mayhem featurin' th'throat rippin' dead...incredibly messed-up necro sound that after a few spins starts to give up th'vibes these nihilist beatnix wish to impart...its th' sound o'breakin' free from th' unremittin' consumer death machine that wishes to make 'happy' complient surfs o' th'great unwashed...its th'sound o' breakin' on through to th'other side where th'oppressive dominant kkkulture no longer holds any power...its th'sound o' long winter nights beneath th'frozen moon that give cats plenty o'time to wonder th'endless possibilties that come from ancient forests o'earlier tymes where dimensions'n multiple magic realities co-exist for th' benefit o' th'stoned groover...perfect accompaniment to bonged evenin's high in dusty garretts where th'outside world does not enter for fear o' bein' exposed as th'plastic xeroxed fake it surely is...

...good pile up o' rehearsal/demo/live swill by these frosty rockers from th'north...cos o' th'different sources a different sound'n vibe keeps settlin'n disappearin' leadin' th' listener on a wanderin'/wonderin' path through desolate back alleys 'n filthy basements o' low rent locales...incredible deep cavernous necro sound appears with th'then unpatented buzzin' treble guitar stun noise that swirls around like angry hornets from th'darkest reaches o' th'overseein' subconscious...thuddin' drum that just won't stop beatin' th'eternal rhythm for th'faithful who voyage th' at once joyous yet perilous highways o' put this into true perspective o' how morbid carry yet mutate'n push forward th'universal vibe o' rockiness, these cats could take this barrage o' slop'n gig th'grande ballroom,detroit68/ladbroke grove70'n they'd buzz'n wow th' onlookers as authentic avantnoise rockers....some o' these tracks show great promise o'dark pummelin' distorted psychedelia well away from trend consumers(underground or not) who usually wallow in th'psych/goth happy patterns o'cenury 21 cultural endeavours...

...this a decently good'n hefty blast o' heavy rock from this bunch o' seven-ohs lovin' stoner riff riders...made up o'3 original numbers 'n 5 covers includin' blue cheer/misfits/aerosmith'n th'good ol' golfer himself, th' coop...some o' th'vocals have a southern rock inflection which allows them to cover more always play on stun... th'universe darkens'n th'night creatures creep through th'gloom intent on spreadin' th'gospel o' doom all that can be heard is th'monumental stoned out riffin' jams that just pulverize'n crush with immense clouds o' sweet smoke...dronin'n dronin', fillin' th'room with th'heaviest sludge, th'like o' which hadn't been seen for many a o' th'best o' nineties stoner, different mix from th'original release'n well deservin' o' a few spins by all psycheads...

...formed sometime in early 67 andromeda're a real good example o' th'changin' face o' undeground sound in th'transisional years 67/70 when psych whimsy replaced th' freakbeat,heavy blues replaced psych'n mixed itself in with some jazz ideas to begat th' misunderstood genre prog-rock(when a cat gets down to it prog was ruined by yes'n other college boy fantasies that spoke o' elves'n fairies in a definitely non psych manner),after prog which hung around forever it was all heads to their own discretion, punkhippy/hippypunk bein' th'best route outta th'seventies...gettin'back to th'wax in question, andromedas LP was released in 69 with a nice street level power trio blast o' heavy blues proggin' with some 67 style vocal arragements givin' it a more rounded sound, bringin' in th'past to soften th' present'n make way for th'future, a nomadic eye on th'older times whilst headin' for an uncertain tomorrow...theres a couple o' semi-lengthy suites givin' off th'classical ideas that early prog latched onto, th'popular soundin' light classics that actually hark back to th'beginnin' o' th'20th century with pastorial meets metropolitan vibes, th'urban scene gently eats th' countryside as modern industry marches ever onward, filled early prog with an embroidery that was too fine to last, it had to be replaced by bombast on a purely hellish ELP stance(nothin' intrinsically wrong with ELP bombast when restricted to th' first 4 albums but then it got too stupid for its own good)' light classic approach is th'way these cats envisioned it, bein' able to pump up th'sound with modern ampage took th' light outta classics anyway so th'real way to dig prog is most assuredly with bands such as this(unless its jazz prog then another startin' point must be found with jools/brian auger type R&B proggy jazzbo)' whole vibe is one o' forward motion, but a motion that is countenanced by caution, probaby caution in th'fact that uncharted territory is bein' explored by new recruits, cadets on th' maiden voyage to th'next plateau where th' watchword is change, further interminglin' o' ideas that will eventually get too complicated to stand up'n prog will lumber under its own unnecessary weight, but now with andromeda we see prog with everythin' to live for, everythin' to aspire to without any pretense, without commercial leanin's...cats who dig th' elias hulk/czar style heavy blooze splat might wish to more than dig this, its th'sophisticated elder cousin(sophisticated bein' in relative useage only), th'cousin with examination papers marked with a pass(only just, but a graduation all th'same),a mild complication o' ideas all brought into line by th'moldin' o' psych learnin' on a substantial blues footin', a groundin' from which to fly, a nest that can supply sustenance'n energy for th' long trip to unknown days...andromeda're most likely better than th'LP shows due to studio conditions, conditions that flumox many cool combos to th'point o' freezein' up,but th'evidence on display can only give testimony to some new creativity, a new spark from th'old rocknroll fire, ashes refurbished with th'strike o' one last match,th'match that relights embers o' lost chords... out kids, arrivin' from deep, deep within' th' slime ridden murky depths o' th' psychedelic rock'n'roll basement, comin' slowly up from buried under megatons o' sweet smoke, equiped with gigantor riffs heavier than th'universe 'n almost certainly louder than god...repellent ugly primordial noise from before th'dawns o' time,before th'formation o' solid matter, breakin' through into th' 7th dimension th'worlds collapse from th'immense power o' th'wizard...blastin' inward towards th'centre o' th'cranial matter, a cats gonna get a mad whoosh from bein' exposed to th'poisonous sludge that drips from th'speakers...once again th'commandment from on high is this disk to be played at stun volume or higher...

...lookin' back into th'hazy-fazy past,back to th'last summer o' th'sixties,through temporal adjusted psychedelic goggles a cat can espy this nifty package o' orchestrated psych-pop-rock...a kinda forgotten participent in th'quo cannon that at th' time o' release this bundle o' fab4 type '67lsd damaged fairytone sound was somewhat outta date for trendworried heads'n to a large degree,civilians who never really came to terms with th'sound outside th'pop chart entrants, but on this album there's some considerably robust playin' that juices up th'tuneage'n make this a sufficiently worthwhile earfull,'n it nearly all stand up in this cynical over exposed age...a barrelful o' excellent production has no doubt helped keep th'sound fresh,'n cats not familiar with this wax will be happily turned on...deservin o' some spintime...

...who'd have thought,back in th'day that iggy would come to exemplify th'mass media image o' rock'n roll, th'cat th'squares hated with vengeance, surely th'stooges were too avant/outta control for mass consumption, their very image producin' shudders from all lilly livered hippys/FM radio/hit parade magazines, all th'natural enemies o' heavy swill rockin' theres gotta be some cats lurkin' out there, livin' in th'twilight shadows, crawlin' through th'back alleys(real or imagined, it dont matter)th' terminal rockin' cats gettin' all hot'n bothered'n draggedout that th'mighty roar o' th'IG'n stooges gettin' turned into radio friendly hard rock with all th'revisionist remasterin' jiggery-pokery thats been happ'nin' in th'last years need only set th'ears no further than this screach powered boot...drums thumpin' in'n out, bass boomin', guitar squealin',feedback shattered, vocals disappearin'n general hectic audience participation make these recordin's a must for early admirers of th'detroit racket...needs to be played th'usual way with this swill; through cans with th'volume on stun...trx1/6-keil auditorium, st louis may 71trx7/8-crosley field, cincinnati 70trx9/10-wamplers lake 68...

...this lightly tasty confection made up from th' invictus joints ruth cut in th'early 70's sure got a lot o' grooves'n styles hittin' on all 4burners...this hep young miss from merrie olde england got herself hooked up with th'parliamentfunkadelic crew 'n knocked out two funk-folk-gospel-rock platters represented'simple fact o' seemin'ly coverin' too many styles undoubtedly stopped th'discs from findin' a willin' audience, fallin' between too many stools she slipped through th' cracks in public perception as th'great unwashed would not handle a multi various stew like this, a kaleidoscopic overflow o' assured penship'n for th' more tuned in cats,funk heads wouldn't go for the quieter moments, folk fans if there were any left wouldn't know this from a hole in th' ground'n as for th'dolt brained rockers,its gotta be said, one way or another like to put on blinkers when they gotta figure out what it is they might be listenin' to...some nice screachin' guitar from th'delic crew, courtesy o' eddie hazel on some tracks'n a couple o' glimmer twin tunes crop up to finish up th'disc...its a nice trip to long ago when artists were allowed to collide a few styles'n moods, though its pertinent to say that it may be needful to hear more than once before listenin,'n th'racket box turned up for maximum enjoyment...2nd joint is probably th'stronger as th'noise button has been flicked to th'right though both are agreeably fine'n make for some elated late night groovin'...

...due to th'tirein'schedule th'combo were puttin' in with th'TV show, th'non stop rounds o' publicity th'cats were forced to do to keep th'aforementioned TV show in front o' th'teen consciousness th'fifth biscuit from th'pre-fab4 does have a coupla wack tunes that really shoulda been clipped at th'quality control phase but such things didn't really matter to th'all mighty bean counters at th'record co. when th'all consumin' need to grab bread was upmost o' importance...havin'said that there is some nice psychpop'n a bit o' hep freaky excursion to counter balance any yawns that might crop up, though any'n all monkee aficionados know th'ancient art o' article preferred listenin'...all th'rock snobs 'n normal media squares were still gettin' on their case with unqualified tattle about th' group not playin' on th' disks, as if they were th'only ones in th' pop stratosphere 'guilty' o' such a heinous crime, its suprisin th' platters any good at all...that kinda supercilious jive can ware a cat right down'n no mistake...'s where pbs get picked up by a major 'n take on th' pressures involved in that onerous task known as workin' th'marketplace...toms solution to such wouldbe rigors is a set o' mournful soundin' minstrelsy ensurin' that only th' most dedicated countercultural hepsters will ever bother themselves to pick this wax with all PBS th'more spins a cat gives to th'disc,th' more is released...good sound on this platter which made a change at th'time from th' experimental avant pressin's e.s.p disk liked to get busy with...also some cats may wish to know th'hype sheet that came with this says 'this album is so good th'pearls could become more popular than john lennon'...some suit gettin' hopeful in a very unorthodox fashion, calmness was not in th'forefront o' thinkin' that day, though its most likely he hadn't actually heard th' disc or even knew o' whom he was writin', such was th'tenuous need for correct copy write skills apparently...

...second o' toms wax for a major label 'n this one sees him takin' th' bumkin' express down to nashville where he got some help from th'turned on cats from area code 615 'n others...not noticably country as such'n th' whole shebang is yet another chippa'n fine offerin' from one o' th'standout artists o' yesteryear ...recommended for all who wish to be th'recipient o' a pure groove...

...temporal 'n geographical pingpong happ'nin' on this slice, what with olde worlde folk mixin' it up with colonial mountain country vibes havin' an equal look in...another bargain bin filler when first on release it has since become a desired item though some johnny-come-lately naysayers seem to get finicky at th'recordin o' some tracks down nashville way but thats their lookout...all a hepcat really needs to know is this is another nifty half hour from tom&co which is welcome as a fresh bong'n thats welcome any time...

...ah, th'cutout bin, th'second hand deletion bin that so many small disc emporiums used to have tucked away in th'dusty recesses that only busto-crusto heads took notice o', th'broke down hep cats made a bee line for th'aforesaid bin cos therein' laid th'jewels o' long lost fashion, psychedelic overspill that no one seemed to want except th'right thinkin' cats who knew to sort th'wheat from th''beauteous debris o' rock was waitin' to be discovered'n nurtured, th'likes o' WCPAEB/13th floor elevators/silver apples just called out for a friendly open face to gather them up...four decades ago tom rapp/PBS had residence in th' bargain bin 'n then onto hepsters pads for a mere pittance, hence they were th'reefered queit darlin's for many a year until completely fallin' off any 'n every radar for another two plus decades...beautifully stoned 'n tranquil songs just right for late night stoner pads, make up this th'last waxin' under th'PBS name...once heard th'voice o' tom is not forgotten...

...first o' th'trio slices 'n another goodly batch o' gristthat if th' name hadda been new a few rock 'aficionados' would have given it more houseroom,but times were a'changin' fast in 68,'n more than a few cats had some pressin' urgent things crushin' on their noodle at that juncture such as avoidin' unpleasant vibes in th'nam keepin' th' war machine goin'' title is more than apt as a lot o' this biscuit is made up o' trx plundered from sessions up to three years old 'n given a bit o' a dustin'n polish to make 'em'usual late band fare is here-2-hear; rockbubblepop/pyschbubble/country papa nes style/davy croonin'n cats should pay some special attention to trx12, whats goin' on with this vibed-out-zone-drone...also dig th'cover, a nice lift from th' ol' warhola wigster himself ...7 bonus cuts add more goodlyness...

...givin th'cover a peep 'n its real evident that th' suits at record co. central now (late 69)had little faith in th' once mighty cash cow that was doin' such good business over in th'fantasyland known as monkeeville...that drawin' is whackadoodle jack 'n that cant be denied, also puttin' their names on was real bizarro-world, as if th' kids needed to be reminded,would th'teens forget so soon(probably, but that aint th'question really),th'bean counters couldn't take th'risk so th'names hadda be always with artist versus commerce its th' leaches at th'company need to be reminded who paid their unearned bonus th' last coupla years'n thats th' straight up truth, aint no mistake jake...anyhow th'grist on th'wax is more than spiffin' with th'band gettin' down with some adventurous pop,with every stripe bein' toted; country, off kilter showbiz, psychcroonin'n some sneaky hip lyrics comin' through th'backdoor abound...last LP with mike'n extra yardage added with some cool bonus tracks make this more than groovy 'n way better than some supercilious taste makers put forth...this is real sweet so give th' ears a treat...

...well this biscuit marked th'end o' th' line for shenanigans in monkeedom for a few years until they picked up in th'retro market'n took off for look at th'cover just about says it all, they've not quite got their backs to each other, but good as, its only a matter o' degree,literally, still any cats out there who know that these two were th'heart 'n soul o' th' band are gonna dig this wax which at th' time o' release was obviously ignored by rock critics'n certainly hippys'n th'dwindlin' pool o' fans let it slide aswell while movin' on to other concerns as th' new decade slowly got underway...released in early 1970 it holds up well against th'pop competition,th' likes o' th' andys, tommys, bubblegums 'n other yankee turn o' decade hit paraders...some r'n'b rockers from mickey 'n some jovial croonin' from davy 'n a touch o' sunshinepop make this a fine listen... take away th' name 'n this would certainly be looked upon with totally different 'n more positive eyes...

...whether be th'case a cats seen th' flick or not it really makes no nevermind cos this chippa soundtrk makes for good list'nin' on its own 'n works as some kinda avant-collage acidhead thingamajig...when its put up along side so called serious acid rock,potent pysch slabs o' th'first order it stands above most'n that aint no fancy airhead blabber, no ironic statement based on nothin' more than alarmin'ly monstrous fabrication, these monkee cats'n their chums get plenty mileage from lettin' their imagination run free, dartin' hither'n thither with ideas o' liquid continuence...some nifty tunes, all top class extensions o' what originally made th' group such a buzzin' hit with open minds, minds ready to receive somethin' new, to get in th'wind with freeform nonsense (th'fact that most minds were teeny minds don't matter in th' least cos rock snobs'n pretentious hippy swill wished they could express themselves with such sneaky hip grooves that came outta th' idiot box when th'show was airin' back in' th'day)...soundbites pop up'n theres copious extra grist added to prolong th' extremely nice artifact from when freshness abounded on sunny days...