...chantal covers all bases with this comp o' her contribution to 60's ye-ye 'n beyond...studio big beat pop to strains o' folk pop 'n one lullaby goes beat...gal group noise features with some sleazy R&B sax pushin' chantals cooin' voice along real nice (trk9 is gal pop plus pinball table)...general europop vibe covers th' whole thing 'n its all well groovy with th'tunes in chronological order so as '66 starts there some early freakbeat/psychness appearin' midway through...unfortunately not every tune is toppermost but there aint no outright stinkers so its all good to go-go with th'ye-ye...
...these two disks're a real good listen to bebe's six oh grooves from music hall ditties which're cool enough, to funky gimmic NOW sounds with a few stops inbetween...her voice is equally moody 'n playful 'n there really isn't a bad trk throughout th' whole set...some cats may not get too cozy first off with th'charleston numbers but after a coupla spins bardot works her magic into it all...volume two is probably th'place to start for heads who may need help gettin' agogo with this reclusive franco legend, with th'incredible trk contact 'n other hep vibrations like gang gang 'n harley davidson but both volumes're recommended to th'open minded...super-doopah stuff 'n shows todays fifth rate low end personality/celebs how to DO IT GOOD...
...th' seventies were under way when this wax came down th' pike with new artists 'n old re-inventin' for th' future...though th' titles a holdover from smile th'listenin' position 'n time is th'opposite, this is for diggin' when th' surfs down 'n out, a time when th' board is leanin' against th' wall awaitin' another day...with its address on th' state o' amerikkka, with its wasteful useless products, pollution o' land 'n sea 'n destruction o' youth who may wish a different lifestyle it picked up some hippy radio airplay that had been denied for years (in fact FM radio had blanked th' combo since its formation)...brian writes three songs 'n overall things're lookin' up 'n maybe they could become a force in music once more, only time would tell...
...theres some super cool grooves on this coaster from this six oh ye-ye gal...from NOWpop to way out dance floor jazz with euro-pop-boom-bang to singalong ditties all th' way...this is th' toppermost o' th' poppermost 'n cant be beat, its a real treat...suitable for frugin', twistin' or just freeformin' th' bop...'n hours worth o' groovy go-go vibes from 64/67 thatsa total must from a gal ya can trust...
...th' trick with gettin' on th'cozy side with th'dino QMS slabs is just that, ya gotta think o' them as solo dino platters... this might be a bit hard for dedicated west coast heads but its th'only way to deal with th'whole shebang... he was there at th' beginnin' after all 'n if'n he didn't have an appointment at one o' th' great societies rest homes th'whole QMS story would have been a different kettle o' cherries anyhows... these first two become really tasty platters when all acid ballroom damage baggage is ejected 'n checked out in their own space...heads that once did give them needle time found just for love th' favourite but what about me may come off better with th' passin' of time... its a nice folky jazzbo funky hippy rock effort that stands on its own merits... both need to be played loud to get the benefit of these island treats......with th' quicksilver slab there was more o' what dino liked best in th' way o' sound 'n that was himself...yep, more hippy rural rock type grooves 'n a few possible loner stoner touches, but this is undoubtably a dino messenger service biscuit...comin thru appeared in 72 'n by th' looks o' things th'other cats were gettin' a look in as regards th' writin dept cos dino was workin' as a co-operative cat for a change, though probably just had other things to attend to...no matter cos this one was startin' to fire on a few more cylinders 'n th'old back burners were gettin' goin', some funky rockin' was happenin', but in th' end it was too late, th'quicks had lost th'message 'n that was that, never to get really back into gear, times 'n sound had changed forever......to round things out nice'n easy theres th' cat himself back in '68, just outta hock 'n on th' block managin' to score a major rec. co. deal 'n put out this ponderin' loner stoner epic...once heard never forgotten this is a mighty piece o' wax which divided a lotta west coast heads back in th'day cos a lot cats weren't ready for this sorta dragged out intencity...its th' real deal 'n comes with extra width for cats who just cant get enough...
...biscuits one / two / three from these motor-town chancers...th'fx-pedal hard rockin' riffaboogie madness is in full effect on th'first two waxin's 'n when turned up to #11 sounds real good 'n gives off a goodly racket that at th'right time cant be beat...th'third effort by which time personel shuffles had left only one original member shows its release date o' 73 cos th' pedal shenanigans is diminished 'n hippy eco rock concerns're happenin'...this lessens th'screechin' thud o' th'earlier platters but stands up on its own when compared to other similar disks from that time...all three have bonus extras to fully load th' d-city rock engine...
...when motown records decided it was time in '69 to grab ahold o' some hippy bread they started a subsiduary called 'weed' 'n chris clark was transferred from th' parent company 'n given a hep underground make over...dig th' cover, shes lookin' like 'n extra from a spaghetti flik...th'tunes are covers o' th'day given a funky-stretched-out rock vibe,there some sound fx makin' a nice late '60's vibe, everything is nice 'n cooled out ready to cozy up'n beam outta some longhair stereo...it didn't happen, it was blanked by underground heads'n soul cats thought it was a sellout at best...its a real nice list'nin' experience'n repays a few plays...its obvious that th'cats playin' are th'motown superfluent studio crew havin' some fun workin' on this new lounge rockin biscuit 'n its a real drag she didn't make another LP after this one...it'd be super chippa if'n norman whitfield had produced it...that'd be swell...
...this is a useful object for some o' that time travelin' stuff with th'good sound makin' it easy to think its july '64 'n that popular folkrock/psychpop ain't been thought o' to any commercial extent...recorded at a gig at th' 'top o' th'tangent' folk spot catchin' th' combo doin' some nice tunes that will pop up from time to time durin' th' next 30years o' deadness...playin's nice 'n loose'n th'announcer at th' beginnin' says these guys are 'a panic to watch' with all their careerin'/bickerin' around on stage (though it must be said it sounds normal today)...audience is real polite'n attentive which is somethin' that aint so much th' norm in th'present age...a coupla nice touches is th'combo apologisin' for not havin' any modern songs... just these ol' jugband/hokum ditties all th'way 'n all th' better for that... th' only bummer with this release is th' cutesy cover that just dont hit th'spot at all...
...one things for certain here boss'n thats these sounds are blasted, well'n truly,one way or'nother these're totally gonesville...it may be th'original wax is all beat up'n scratches all over, or th' recordin'/production is way into th'screeechin' treble zone with th'bass hardly registerin' or th'ensembles all sound as if a heavy opium haze has enveloped th'preceedin's...its burmese pop, but pop as seen through eyes'n ears that are coppin' licks from western pop, bits o' rocknroll/surf/c&w 'n smearin' th'whole shebang into another sound completely...squeaky ear-splitin' guitars/keyboards that are ruff'n ready, funky to th' max/vocals give off with wailin' pleas from other worlds...some o' it is psychedelic, but mainly inadvertently psychedelic, but as cats who been checkin' th' bottom line in rock'nroll exploitation know, fake or accidental psych is way better than th''real thing'...as mentioned th' production is uniformly basement which helps give th'feelin' this is beemin' in from another planet'n o'course th'golden triangle sure was/is anotherworld...this is crazy daddy-o, hepped-up'n gone to flip city one mo' time...
...any layabouts gettin' to thinkin' this decades re-revaluation/discovery by th'trendoids'n citizens in general ain't generatin' th'correct heat with th'latest wax bein' a 'goin thru th' motions' with some friendly production'n th' tourin' amountin' to nothin' in th' trash'd tapestry that is basic rockin'n rollin'...this version o' th' first major foray into changin' th' state o' six-oh gutter screech is th' euro '88 edition'n lookin' back this is one swell heep o' treblelated racket that when th'volume knob is registerin' on stun(th'required settin' when list'nin' to primo garbage'n swill) will bring forth th'agony o' bein' stuck in a collapsin' authority obsessed culture...this outta control junkyard dog will make an expressway straight to th'centre o' th'mind'n bore an endless groove to inner consciousness without any untoward tamperin' o' th' truth...freakout for 'nother day...
...th' last great LP by a once interestin' combo...radical chic political sermonizin' balanced against drugged up nonsence is th' stance this wax takes...'all ya private property is target for your enemy' is one o' th'trendy/lefty/anarchy situations they throw up for consideration though how much private property they had not many outside th'frisco elite knew for sure(except maybe th'c.i.a/fbi/goverment spies/drug dealers)...how serious th'underground freedom fighters such as th'weathermen took this anti-establishment middle class babble is hard to say at this late juncture but if'n rags like rollin' stone took them seriously then somethin' o' a music biz plot seems to come to light 'n their 'radical stance' was aimin' to capture dissaffected students on their passage into adulthood 'n sell useless wax for a few years 'n this seems very much to have been th'case as th'recordin's, which they had full control over became lazier 'n stodgier until they disappeared from th'radar into a galaxy far from th'reality o' this planet...only marty came away with something worthwhile but even he became unglued for th'last 'n final time in th'early 70s...volunteers is nothin' short o' a glorious mess when all said 'n done with th'tuneage all over th' place- lurchin'n fallin'n risin' in a constant swirl that can get a cat to wonderin' whether a freshnin' o' th' bong maybe needed to bring some semblance o' order...this coulda been a great steppin' off point to becomin' a real political rabble rousin force in counterculture terms but sadly they circumbed to their amerikkkan upbringin'n entered their name into th'money grubbin' race...th' live cuts that come as bonus show they were really a live hard rock jammin' outfit as was th'frisco ballroom ethic in th'first place...up against th'wall/tear down th'wall...
...once upon a long gone moon a cat had to rely on rumour, hearsay 'n th' babblin' o'colorful lucy nation for any info on th' true underground scene cos today heads 'know too much' 'n it can take th' mystery 'n magnificence away from diggin' top grist...cats can be real dragged to find out that th'fave rockin' monsters from weirdsville're in fact a bunch o' cuby sad sacks ...what if th'only info out there on th'red crayola was a piece o' filla from some square lonestar news rag 'n a bootleg o' th' unreleased second wax...if'n th' mothers only put out th'son o' monster magnet jam 'n all info came from th'mouth o' suzy chreemcheese...if teenage jesus had played their first 10minute gig 'n disappeared into smokey haze...thats where th'disk in question here is well fine'n dandy cos not too much exists in th' way o' tangible evidence o' their existence even this far down th' pike...been reissued a coupla times but th' trxlist is always different 'n th' cover is never th'same so dreams 'n wishful thinkin' fill th' void 'n a gauze is pulled across known reality 'n substance loses its grip...one half hour o' mind fryin' avant slop o' unknown origin is here to give th'day an off kilter sheen...know th' unreal dreams o' yesterday yet unborn...
...by mid'65 bob was reachin' th'first chemical peak that enabled th'amped electric word explosion that was pourin' forth at a heavy rate...this boot is made up from acetates o' mixes that only just failed to get th'thumbs up for release, a little more chemicals, splicin'n tweekin' would be required for public consumption o' these wild mercury sounds...at 70minutes its a cool carnival mirror o' one o' th'all time great wax'n th'main thrust has gotta be th' inclusion o' an early version o' desolation row...sound quality is somewhat rough in places with squeaks'n scrapes poppin' up occasionally but nothin' to get hung up about...complete with photo sesh outtake for th'cover this is real happ'nin' gone gear...
...a goodly dose o' toytown/creamtea sike from this old clubsoul revue who by '67 had to change their repetoire to keep up with th'ever new music that had landed in certain hep establishments...not as twee as some combos efforts in th' psychpop playground due to th'solid groundin' in poundin' out dance tuneage for th'ever pilled feet o' th' mods...th' horn embelishments certainly add some flavor to th'strawberryjam/aliceinwonderland grooves...many happy 'n happ'nin vibes are contained in these 14trx...
...one o' th'handfull o' combos that have come to define th'albion late sixties sound that was th'logical end o' th' R&B explosion that had happ'ned eight years earlier...combinin' post R&B/club soul/hornrock 'n riffin' jazz inflected hard rock they fell between jools/auger on th'jazzbo front 'n pesky gee on th' post club soul tip...this end o' th' progressive rainbow didn't really get past 70/71 before most o' its practitioners fell away to mainstream/'funky' jazz in continental cities or into paid pop group/session slog...this bein' th' only LP released durin' th' life o' this combo, its a great example o' th'above hype 'n contains nice'n cool workout on bob's 'watchtower' jam...
...crazed mangulated'n strangulated noise from this early eighties frisco combo with wailin' catawaulin' from ricky...freaked avant screech-rock that stands up well today even though not as out to lunch soundin' as back when released...not to be confused with th' late 80's/90's version, that would be a wrong move for any hepsters that aint heard this...
...proper nifty'n good poundin' dual guitar hippy rock swill laid down in th' late 70's but could easily have been done at th' beginnin' o' that decade, th' total vibe is acid heads in th' basement lettin' rip...this has some well known los angeles underground cats workin' here; elliott ingber/mars bonfire/ed cassidy/ron bushy/rainbow neil all help make this picture disk extraveganza a little bit special, much better than could be expected with cats who'd mainly had their better work behind them...every trk is well chippa with some bein' quite exceptional (in a relative sense)...
...there was plenty o' hoohaw'n general hypin'n chatter in certain circles when this wax made its brief appearance back in '74 cos th' vocalist sometimes sounds a lot like ol' jimbo from th'doors'n that was more than enough to get a lotta cats real fired up'n excited...some o' th'acid addled were more than convinced it was morrison'n he had come back from paris'n got a combo together who weren't a lounge jazz band like his former colleagues, but when a public appearance at th'whiskey in los angeles with iggy'n ray manzarek were on th' cards th'general consensus o'opinion was morrison was channelin' his vibe through this phantom cat...anyhow, as good as this rock'n roll myth is th'truth seems to be that th'phantom combo were outta detroit'n managed to get th'tapes they'd recorded picked up by a major label (capitol) who hoped all th'hype would get th'quaalude stoner teens to part with some bread...naturally th' whole episode came to nought'n th' phantom had to disappear like morrison 3 years earlier...good late style acid rock guitar riffin'n chooglin'n some general fx make this a good listen'n it was certainly one o' th'better wax to be given a major release durin' those strange claustrophobic early/mid seven ohs...sits well with th' juicy groove LP that popped up a coupla years later with a few 60s underground cats layin' down some rockin' tuneage...all things consider'd, th'acid mystical wordage'n stolen riffs open a gateway to th' past when heard under th'right conditions...
...already done nifty vocalizin' on plenty o' frisco LPs by th'time these sisters got their first wax out,which coincided with th'early seven oh fixation in some hep circles with 40's fashions...they combined jump/jive 'n jazzpop with some funky funk 'n soul grooves makin' for a my-T-fine waxin' that stands well in this age...could easily be 'n probably is their finest moment, certainly their finest era o' work...fantastic stuff 'n there aint no bout adout it...
...nine o' these trx were recorded at th'end o' grams tenure with th'burritos whilst he was harborin' fantasies o' bein' a glimmer twin'n becomin' th'country cousin o' th'stones'n as such theres a nicely wasted sound'n vibe weavin' in'n out o' these covers o' hep country standards (honky tonk women is included to prove he could hopefully cut bein' a satanic majesty)...three cuts taped with emmylou durin' th'greivous angel sessions are real nice too...considerin' this was only put out to cash in on reboundin' glory from emmy gettin' big with west coast 'n country rock heads, this hangs together 'n gives off swell vibes whilst chuggin' beer 'n burnin' some sweetleaf...
...live offerin' from this mainly studio combo provin' they could boogie down wit da funk...psychedelic blooz blatter with real nice guitar screech'n minnie goin' full throttle with th'octave encompassin' squeakin' is a mighty fine entre into live festival sweat 'n grunt choogle that was gettin' popular with th'citizens aswell as heads back in th'late six ohs...