
...after many years bein' back room gal at th'brill buildin', though an extremely high profile backroomer its was time in 68/9 to get some kinda career goin' as a singer in th'new 'hip' world o' laurel canyon where th'laidback singer songwriter was th'thing to be...ironically when carole signed on at ode records, head honcho lou adler thought she should work, or at least be marketed as part o' a band'n so th'city came into bein'...its kinda funky pop with lyrics that aint too cloyin'n theres some very nice playin' goin' on with th'production soundin' more seventies than mighta been expected...cats who dont have any problems gettin' chilled with caroles high flyer 'tapestry' will dig this alot if'n not more, a groovy treat that shouldn't be missed...
...1975 'n not too much happ'nin' on th'rock'n roll front in most places round th'globe(a few pockets o' resistance here'n there) but in cleveland OH. th'underground cats'n stoners're gettin' together their own sounds'n RFTT're prime example o' do it yourself...not carin' about what was on th'radio, what other people were thinkin' or what straight society had in th'way o' any entertainment th'rocket bolted together stoogian riffery with hawkwind slop 'n velvet drone'n smeared it all with back alley blues'n street level surrealist poetry...chaotic guitar screech which on these tapes is real grungy addin' to th'outta control vibes that lift off in a mc5/sun ra way occasionally tryin' to set th'controls for th'heart o' somewhere other than where they were...bein' th' mid seventies glamrock had to rear its head 'n bowies jean genie is reworked to good effect on trk7 which gives way to a piercin' version o' '30seconds o/tokyo'...this 74minute disk breaks down into 3 sessions at their rehearsal room/live at th'famed agora ballroom'n a bar...eventually fallin' into two different combos(pere ubu/dead boys) both exploded with debut LPS o' avant rock'n 77punk respectively though their later careers were'nt nowhere near th'promise o''magnitude o' this swill is still so great that reverberations're occasionally heard in rock(both mersh 'n underground)to this day...necessary earful for all layabouts intereseted in th'developement o' underground rock seventies style...
...from '87 comes more diseased poundin' insanity from th'frozen north...starts with a 'normal' trk o' some drums which lasts just over a minute'n then th'mayhem kicks in with buzzin' guitar stingin', tortured vocals from beyond th'grave'n proper manic thuds'n broken cymbals'perfect accompaniment for moonless nights in hidden forests deep within' middle earth where th'demons'n drunkards roam in search o' a book o' matches...

Thursday' murky fog 'n generational tape hiss haze here is possible entrance into some psychedelic netherworld full o' distortion 'n distraction with little hope o' returnin' th' same...although an illicit recordin' by a cat who seems to be wanderin'round at this oslo92 gig its caught th' whole basement black metal ethic o' punked out cheap recordin', keepin' it real...this shoulda got a proper release'n upped th'whole standard o' BAD sound(this makes th'mayhem demo look major release material)' whole room seems to spin round'n due to all th'distraction present, list'nin' makes for a trancy time as a cat gotta concentrate'n all conscious thought o'th' outside world disappears as occasional bad temper'd gutt'ral bursts erupt over nonstop machine drummin'...small infections o' basic riff screechin' ooze from th'primordial swamp o' fowl sludge enticin' th'listner ever onward...under th'right conditions this makes it into th'avant garde parallel universe o' cinema verite/found sound/glimpses in time/momentary recordin'...thats th'first side, side two is some prog? suite o' ambient ancient space rock where th'centuries call out to th'ancestors secret codes o' esoterica...again due to th'cheap synth whacked out recordin'(not to mention gliches 'n scrapes), this is cool for layabouts who got a sense o' humor, otherwise prog purists who dig th'squeaky clean sound o'lesser combos such as college proggers yes 'n floyd 'n t.dream gonna have to resort to heavy narcotic pillows to weather th'23minits o' e.c comix weirdness...
...first LP wax from third world war shows th'way they were thinkin',anti-rich/anti-boss/anti-union/anti-pig/pro peoples solidarity,all set to th'tune'n rhythm o'blooz based thug/thud rock with some doomy,not quite prog style vibes...this is angry prole rock,beatin' th'drum for th'underclass,shoutin' down th'established order o' government lacky pen-pusher/pig who make life for cats on th'block as well as joe public at large as difficult as possible...released on th'then cool TRACK RECORDS in 1970 these west london rockers kick down everything in their way,advocatin' armed uprisin' o' th'workin' class,a better tomorrow,today...cats maybe needin' o get a handle on this urgent urban outpourin' need only think o' th'edgar broughton band'n then think meaner,angrier less hippyfied,this aint suitable for geeks'n middle class twonks who think theres nothin' wrong with th'system,its a full on expression o' hatred for inertia,a call to arms,a rallyin' cry for th' get a proper insight into th'historical place'n time that this platter falls, a readin' o' th'ANGRY BRIGADE manifesto is in order,these cats weren't gonna take it anymore,th'need for real change was in th'air'n most definitely on this disk...
...more righteous anger pourin' out,th'revenge o' th'underclass,rich beware,theres a new wind blowin' through th'cities'n th'pig can't help but wonder who th'new boss might be,who will pull th'strings when th'old system one is safe from th'wrath o'THIRD WORLD WAR,they speak for untold millions who suffer under th'downpressor,th'underclass will RISE ABOVE'n take their place in th'sun,no more toilin' for th'right to buy shoddy goods/unhealthy'time is NOW'n forever more...cats who got a buzz off th'first LP will flip with this th'second'n last wax,which will blow a hole in th'stereo with its mind-bombs'n sten guns blazin'...
...first off this reprint o' john sinclairs 1972 book comprisin' rock'n roll writins'n prison missives is a totally right on groove,an overflowin'ly full bag o'serious blabber'n smoke from this free thinkin' revolutionary/MC5 manager/jazz buff'n bloozologist'n as such its recommended as a heavy'n necessary read,all cats need to set th'peepers on stun for a hep trip into th'heart o'darkness,confrontations with th'MAN'n a general overdose o' straight society oppression...this is direct communication with th'front line from a city on fire,literally'n metaphorical,th'pig is everywhere watchin'n waitin',destroyin' what it cant understand,blindly followin' orders from some unknown dictorate...comin' with th'book is a cultural snapshot o'detroit burnin' with many fires in th'shape o'th'white panthers/black panthers/bobby seale/allen ginsberg/john sinclair/gary grimshaw/MC5/th'UP!/rationals'n others,a sock-it-too-em stoned buzz with th'righteous feel,a bong-diddly o'psychedelic jazz splatter just oozin'n perculatin',ready to drop th'mind bombs'n blow up with a few rockin' jams to keep th'tribes goin' through th'heavy despair o' th'square zone that throws endless tyrannies upon th''different'...


...totally wigged piece o'freakout rock-blooz-folk from th'last days o' big brother,it would soon be time for janis to be 'convinced' by devious management that her trip lay elsewhere,without th'band,a star in her own listen to this wax shows that aint necessarily th'case cos all th'cats're firin' on all cylinders,rockin' out a storm,happy to be at newport,layin' some good vibes on th'crowd,workin' th'hippy mojo,spinnin' th'magic groove through th'audience...everyone havin' a good time,flippin' their collective lid,no-ones buggin',just gettin' to th'stoned spot where IT all comes together,soarin' to th'cloudless sky...dig janis havin' a great time(even though they came on late'n some techy problems crop up),she's diggin' th'crowd,she's diggin' her psychedelic compadres,no boozed up bad trip raps that excite purient 'hips',just a flipped out weed groove,true modern beatnix journeyin' across th'folk spectrum,spacin' out on th'electric vibe that dylan had kicked off 3years previous at th'festival...(dig trk3 where they name check ol'time banjo cat buell kazee whom th'audience aint really sure who that is,this is a cool acid rock modal trip version o'th'CooCoo tune-dig also th'square tryin' to be hip EMCEE at th'beginnin',th'cube aint gotta clue)...they follow up with a smoked-out groove(combination o'th'two)takin' it all further with janis shoutin' encouragement to james gurley as they rip roar to infinity,a cats gotta dig this th'most...a magnificent reminder o' why BB&th'HC were one o' th'all time HEPnacious voyagers o' rock'nroll,they encompassed 20th century music,music by'n for th'people,jazz/blooz/country/R&B/RNR all rolled into one,so th'joins hardly showed,all bubblin' in a psychedelic gumbo,various spices poppin' up to add more flavour,weavin' th'trip ever outward...NICE...
...this joint kicks off with an intense jam which quickly introduces th'list'ner to th'cats involved,guitar/keyboard/drums all blarin' away in a power trio rock jazz idiom,a kinda stripped down miles davis groove like on 'silent way' th'disk that directly led to 'bitches brew'/'on th'corner'years o'explosive shronkin'n screechin',a silent way miles put on stun...theres a nice basement murkiness all over,most likely due to th'poor studio equipment they were forced to use(originally earmarked for a session at columbia where miles was resident jazzbo genius,but not makin' any bread for them,al kooper from th'blues project/dylan sessions went to see th'williams lifetime'n was not impressed with th'heavy manglin' mind warp they were layin' down so th'columbia gig was cancelled pronto like'n they were out in th'cold lookin' for a deal,why kooper didn't dig them is open to speculation but it dont matter cos this joint aint no blood sweat tears hokum jive)...another way o' gettin' a bead on this wax is like imaginin' th'hendrix band gypsies outfit kickin' th'gong around on th'SST label (greg ginn/black flag),theyd fit right in with tom trocolli/blind idiot god/joe baiza,all this psychedelic poundin' straight outta some haight ashbury ballroom,theres a grateful dead intense jam vibe happ'nin',again in power trio form...john mclaughlin twangs out some feedback trips,larry youngs organ is a complete buzz,a squealin' soul jazz blues in way heavy overdrive,dosed with a morphine wobbliness,tony williams all over th'kit hittin' it where it counts,paintin' th'canvas in multi textures for th'other cats to fill in'n work around...williams also has a go at singin' but it aint th'greatest though it does sound kinda like a post punk whine,these singin' tracks work well after a coupla spins,gives it a slight rock feel,quite trance inducin' with a bong hit float...this may've been called jazz rock,but its more,its a meetin' o'jazz'n rock,th'two moldin' to produce a third,jazz,as ever mutatin' within itself,incorporatin'/discorporatin',movin through th'ether connectin' with th'right cats'n movin' on,this is a high point in both rock'n jazz ('n these cats careers,th'next decades refinin' this into bland digestible chunks for smooth radio programmin's experimental hour that happens sometime way past conscious time)'n any wasted layabout gonna dig this,its high powered extreme blurt that dont come around too often...
...round about th'early days o' 1970,rollin'stone mag said that hendrix had not made any music durin' th'previous year,they were kinda worried at this situation,had th'creative well jimi had been drinkin' from run dry after th'double 'ladyland' at th'back end o'68...apart from tourin' what else had th'guitar god been up to?they wondered in th'random notes,would he come up with some new magical goodies for th'faithful fan?'truth had actually been reported by th'stone itself back in september '69,hendrix had been layin' down some exploratory jams,cosmic music,takin' his cue from sun ra/miles/NYC free jazzers'n th'times in general...a music in which to lose th'ego,a music that would flow from one cat to another,no stars'n sidemen routine,just pure feelin',goin' wherever th'vibe takes 'em...what th'stone meant in their early '70 piece was,would hendrix put out some rock sounds for middle class collegiate consumption,would he continue as their hambonein' psychedelic shaman,upsettin' th'squares'n th'ol'folks back home...over 1000 hours o'tapes exist from jimi's last year,jams'n grooves,ideas'n poetry,all weavin' in'n out over th'days through various combinations o' cats all sittin' in(hopin' for some jim magic to rub off)'n its from these cosmic sessions that th'first hendrix bootleg came about,a rock'n roll boot not a cash in exploito record company rip off with old vague hendrix(or not)involvement...tapes made just after woodstock festival at jimi's rented house in shokan with juma sultan'n mike ephron supplied 40minutes o'laid back/intense space noodle,5000 years in th'makin',this is a carpet for th'new tribes to float on,th'tribes o' revolutionary freedom should rap themselves in...this was hendrix for th'cats on th'block as well as draft dodgin' hippys,this is jimi th'starsailor,future pilot from th'year zero...pressed in jamaica in a run o' 4000 with three quarters to th'states,th'rest to england it soon sold out to th'heads'n then disappeared nearly forever...this wax bein' some 40 years old shows some signs o'age,wear'n tear scuffs'n clicks here'n there dont diminish th'buzz comin' off,some funky choogle jams that gradually creep up'n snag a cat after a coupla spins...theres plenty o' these kinda jams on th'market now'days but this is th'first,another example o' bootleggers showin' th'way(dylans GWW bein' another)...dig jimi releasin' himself to th'spheres one day in september 69...
...back in 69,in between tourin'n press interviews'n TEEVEE appearances jimi got down to th'serious business o' gettin' his groove on with some exploratory jams, just castin' into th'ether'n seein' what came around,he was leavin' th'pop star world gradually behind,fazin' out th'wildman image so beloved by his public,but which jimi loathed,it was now th'time to leave th'hambone alone,exorcise th'past few years'n come up with a fresh new approach...gettin' into some massive jam marathons with various cats such as larry young/buddy miles/johnny winter/billy cox at different times'nplace allowed jimi to see where th'eternal buzz o' th'never endin' groove would take him,into a trance situation openin' new vistas,allowin' new'n different patterns to arise...these jams o'course were never originally meant for public consumption,they were just taped for private list'nin'n documentation by hendrix'n nothin' more,but his leavin' th'earthly plane kinda sudden th'next year put a different spin on th'preceedins'n in around 1980 reprise record co. decided it must be time to test th'public reaction to some fresh hendrix material bein' put on sale...takin' notice o' th'disasterous attempts earlier in th'70s at tryin' to rip th'roobs off with loose ends/war heroes etc by a rival company reprise decided that instumental hendrix might be th'way to go,leave th'remixin' old songs routine alone,maybe sell this as jazz or something else...(th'so called notorious alan douglas who'd been th'perpetrator o' th'earlier hendrix exploito releases was in charge yet again so th'cats in th'know hadda decide whether to take a chance'n most didn't)...nine to th'universe didn't sell very well,a few thousand'n it faded from th'stores into cut out bins'n into relative obscurity which is a drag cos theres some funky magic carpet rides here ready for th'times when kickin' th'gong around is in order...plays real nice alongside jimis first underground bootleg that turned up in early seventy...
...janis'n her full tilt boogie're experiencin' some sound problems durin' this gig'n it sounds like th'stage is still bein' built at one point,but that taken into consideration this is a mostly great blowout o' funky janis gettin' down with th'groove...though bein' in th'middle o' a heavy tourin' schedule'n tired o' travellin' she extols th'virtues o' rock'nroll'n tries to get th'audience to get loose,not to be so uptight,she's come to rock'n she needs everyone to let go'n boogie down on th'one(renta-pig trouble seems to be goin' on when th'audience start th'freak dance)...her band let rip with some great (nearly)mind fried rock but if anything is happ'nin' its that big brother coulda easily stayed workin' with janis,they woulda kicked out th'jams just like th'early days,cats needin' some proof only need check as far as th'last track for th'stone solid truth o' th'matter,dig how BB woulda slammed this groove into th'rightous place where th'stoned soul beatnik lives...durin' some o' janis' raps it comes obvious that stardom dont sit too well with her,she'd be better as part o'a collective effort,like BB&HC,but by now its too late to stop th'media circus(it would stop for janis in a coupla months but that was a heavy price for freedom),janis needs th'support o'equals not a backin' band,hired in for one reason,to supply th'sound but not th'comradeship,not th'vibes,janis needs a reciprocal situation with all th'cats pullin' in th'same direction...janis is behind some southern comfort,givin' her th'courage'n impetus to get up on stage,but she'd been a whole lot more groovy with th'holdin' co.'n some reefer,really bein' able to soar to th'heavens on an electric-freak-jazz-R&B groove,she'd be totally at one with th'universe,not alone earthbound,hangin' out with squares most days...gettin' down to th'facts,this show gives 100% o'what was'n what coulda been,th'groove is loose but coulda been more out there,communicatin' on a different level,a more aware level,audience'n band as one interminglin' mind/body/soul takin' off for th'planets,a sun ra trip for an aside dig th'MC at th'end treatin' th'audience as a commodity,tellin'em when to stand up then tellin'em to sit down,what a square...


...comin' outta uptown NYC came th'last poets who dropped some righteous mind bombs back in th'late 60s(appearin' on th'performance sndtrk gave them high profile in th'radical chic world as well as cats on th'block diggin' them)...they came to lay it on th' line,to take it to('n from)th'MAN,confront th'pig'n expose corruption in high('n low)places,but most o' all they came to wake up th'people,to tell 'em what time it is,time to get real,get off th'stoop,get off th'skag'n get to thinkin' right...with vernacular poetry that could be understood by th'populace,backed with chantin'n signifyin'n drums th'poets tear into th'END TIMES,its now or never to wake up'n get a fair share o' th'pie,this is for all cats who live under th'oppressor,most not even gettin' by,just gettin' ground down,th'last poets came to chant down babylon'n give th'people th'truth,whether they wanted to hear it or not...still a mind trip'n still needed,th'down-pressor man is eveywhere,disguised as a friend these days he walks softly'n carries th'biggest stick a cat ever seen'n he's more than mean...
...early '67'n charles gets outta th'joint'n prepares for a life as a hollywood personality'n music star...after a trip up to frisco to check th'hippy scene'n dig th'vibe he returns to tinseltown'n gathers a retinue o' young followers who believe in his talent'n feed his ego...on september eleven he manages to score a 3hour session at universal records to lay down some o' his tines as th'first steps to becomin' th'next big luck would have it th'label closed soon after'n that was th'last o' that,at least thats how it seemed back in that fall o' flowerpower...this euroboot has been issued in various forms over th'last few years'n shows a willin' songwriter puttin' his ideas into vocal form...there was talk, mainly from dennis wilson that charles was gonna be on th'beachboys vanity label but things got kinda frazzled between th'manson entourage'n th'boys when charlie decided to cop some royalties upfront,so that possible avenue to th'celebrity life came to a bumpy end...these tapes're just th'first steps in th'long strange trip o' possibly th'worlds most unlikely popular culture star,th'ultimate 'poor folks'rags to riches(every taste catered for in th'family story though charlie,in typical pig bizniz style dont see any bread for his efforts,a twenty four hour gig,th'hardest workin' cat in showbiz)...
...through his work with th'stones jack nitzsche scored th'gig o' knockin' out th'soundtrk here'n he grabbed a coupla laurel canyon cats, ry cooder'n randy newman'n put this hippy voodoo funk'dout version o' amerikkka ('n by extension th'rest o' th'planet in that year o' strifed vibes nineteen'n sixty eight)...lonesome slide (ry)'n mouthbow courtesy buffy st.marie supply vibes from weirder daze'n give off unreal'n temporal distorted waves which is whats happ'nin in powis sq. from th'flik in question...mick jagger is th'cat whose house is made up o' drugged worlds within worlds'n th'rage o' th'outside uptight world permeates via th'music...though th'flik is takin' place in ol' london towne'n th'soundtrk was put together in L.A th'discrepancies o' cultures (swingin' versus capitalist)'re not so evident cos th'hep world is known by th'vibe rather than th'material...
...first off a cats gotta picture th'scene,london town at th'end o' 66/beginnin' o' 67,th'marquee club in soho is havin' psychedelic freakouts on a sunday afternoon with hippys rollin' around in giant jellies,UFO trippers blowin' their mind to th'pink floyd,soft machine're givin' off psychedelic wobbly jazz pop,layabouts're groovin' at th'free school in nottin' hill,I.T newspaper're reportin' th'happ'nins in th'basement o'indica bookshop,th'fab4(mainly macca)get down with th'freakbeat that turned on mods're explodin' with,everything is gearin' up for a TURNED ON TIME...yanquee rhythm&soul guitarist jimi hendrix has been in town a few weeks'n all th'cats're gettin' blown away with th'avant/trippy acid damaged string bendin' he's been layin' down at a few gigs'n his psychedelic pop-punk-folk 45RPM 'hey joe'is gettin chart action,pickin' up an audience o'teenagers who're ready for new excitin' sounds...this boot is from th'experience gig(02.04.67) at th'flamingo club,a mod/yank G.I hangout where th'reefer is passed round'n french blues make th'mind'tape is a bit crumpled in places'n th'general sound is typical o'th'time,heavy distorted noise pushin' its way through inadequate P.A,but its a great opportunity to hear them early on,th'newly formin' blooz rock'n feedback oozin' out,layin' a residue o'smokey thickness around th'room,everyone diggin' th'vibe,groovin' high on a saturday night with poundin' pulsatin' rhythms peakin' th'weekends buzz...
...after th' beacon st. union called it a day'n later regrouped under a new name they got into a back-to-basics mode o' thinkin' which was in th' air after bobs basement tapes had showed th'way outta th'heroin'n war destroyed hippy dream...some rock'n'roll tuneage (50's style), complete with bo diddley beat, country hippy rock'n some sneaky drug references all covered in a stonesian vibe make up this early seventies biscuit...not to be compared with th'earlier incarnation but standin' on its own a nice groove'n they didn't ruin it by makin' a further half dozen rubbish wax like some would do...(includes rare b/side for cats who need th'complete outpourin')...


...most cats know these lone star longhairs from th'great 'dead man' wax they released on their own hookah label after th'original deal they had went moody...this platter here is th'gear they recorded for th'earlier deal but never released at th'time...its good late 60's stoner hard rock with th'second side consistin' o' th'15minit dead man trk which sounds a real burner when th'amp is drivin' with that #11 goin' strong...
...this fourth LP sees marc strippin' down th'sound somewhat(but fattenin' up what was left) with new friend mickey finn bongin' th'bongos'n boppin' th'bass'n marcs gettin' more twangy with th'electric stringbendin'...ideas o' bein' a pop star'n general contempt for th'underground scene're perculatin' in bolans noggin' with no more tyme to hang by th'light o' th'magical moon or indeed wastin' any precious minutes doin' th'woodland bop...after this offerin' th'name was stripped down ready for teeny bop action but for now this should be seen as a summin' up o' th'last coupla years, times was changin' all over as th'new decade got underway... seems th'main claim to fame with these is th'fact that they shoulda opened th'woodshuck festival back in summer 69'n they themselves still seem to cling to this notion o' notoriety'n hype'n thats a shame cos if nothin' else they tried to put a different spin on th'late 60s obsession with big jazzyrock combos such as blood sweat&tears'n other long forgotten non-happenin' gloop such as heaven plus a myriad o'brainfreeze on th'columbia label('th'MAN cant bust our music'-why would he want to?)...sweatwater went for a chamber jazz groove hittin' th'loungey tip more than once but with small psych fx plus a coupla hippy/relevant lyrics which may or mayn't be heartfelt...managin' to get three long playin' wax onto th'market in th'early seventies, this is a nice pile up with th'first disk featurin' heavily plus a coupla trx from th'other two as well as live trk from aforementioned woodshuck'n a reunion in th'nowtime number to round things off...a nice reminder o'times longago&faraway...
...fairly decent(non-fi) sound on these demos,two go rounds for each tune though not followin' each other like on some boots'n 'proper releases'(specially blues/jazz comps)so its just like diggin' th'LP all over'mersh production values're o'course not present so its th'coops rockin' out in th'studio, kickin' ideas around, see if it works...what made th'schools out joint not really up to par for what th'coops were capable o', was th'rejection o' th'late six oh anglo psych moves, th'way these cats took '67 psych/freak rockin'n mixed in some avantness was really forward lookin' for a yanquee combo(so much so they got labelled as a sham, a fake freak show 'n they may o' been freex but they sure weren't no fakes)comin' on some time like jimbo morrison jammin' with twin guitars yardbirds down th'marquee club in london towne while th'audience rolled around th'floor covered in blamange(truely happenin'/ed)'r comin' through th'ether like a sunset-strip-pink floyd jammin' out th'voodoo riff...these demos show them wantin' to get back to a more anglo influenced yanquee style but move it into this new glam rock decade so they grab some stonesian keef-boogie riff or a macca groove'n chuck in some 65/6 london visitin' zimmerman'n churn out some really acceptable garage seventies this '73-juncture in time th'cats on th'block('n in rodneys english disco) had no idea what th'new alice disc was gonna sound like but through interdimension temporal transportin' th'demos're available for fresh perusal...some layabouts may wish to imagine th'last wax was killer'n now they've turned into a less shambolic mott th'hoople, though such a thing may not be desirous it may have been th'best thing for all concerned when th'future was rolled out'n formula took over but for th'bonghit o' NOW its just a groove from coopersville(th' only place to be)... was with this LP, th'fifth that things started to go wrong what with scorin' that big hit around th'planet so makin' th'cooper name outta-national'n also makin' alice th'person th'star with th'others relegated to becomin' mere bit players...quite a lot o' th'earlier joints 60s references're missin' makin' this a lot more in-tune with th'times'n thats th'downside cos it was th'combos updatin'n continuance o' th'freakbeat/psych/avant jammin'(plus a healthy dose o'humour) that made them special'n stand out from th'rest o' th'pack...its not a bad wax by any means but it cant be compared with th'ones before, it must stand apart'n be judged alone'n not by th'title trk that ironically doesn't fit with th'rest o' th'tuneage...
...from th'cover inward this is th'off kilter sum o' their influences,with new york dolls meet th'stones beggars on th'cover(dig th'cat on th'right lookin' like prime time pigpen with his hat/hair/drink), th'vocalist bein' th'geezer from AC/DC one minute to something akin to vocalizin' for losers like styx'n other low rent mid seventies'music is a train wreck o' led zeppelin/blue oyster cult'n aforementioned AC/DC'n much appreciated by all stoner layabouts who found copies(warped or not) in th'cut-out bins in record/electrical stores 'n other trustworthy emporiums who once upon a time came up with th'goods, something that dont happen in this day with th'finalisin' o' one world corporate state, plus th'releases today're redundant copies before th'sale begins, its now worthless even for free...needs to be played a few times owin' to th'said vocalists minor gymnastical assaults but overall a worthy addition to th'pile o' good grist that came outta th'ohio area a few years back(1974)...
...arrivin' in velvet satin tat came davids first go at bein' a glam star along th'lines o'bowies 'sold th'world' period mixed in with some mottism aswell as fey ballads that hark back to an earlier psychedelic period with some orchestrated creamteasike with th'ghost o' beatle george hangin' out gettin' groovy...dig trk7 with its joe byrd electronic backin'...RCA no doubt had visions o' sellin' this cat to suburban roobs as some kinda watered down, less troublesome lou reed who was flippin' out after moderate success as a pop star ridin' with bowie, scorin' hit records in euroland'n generally gettin' his tough guy poetic groove on...less overt in th'camp department than jobraith who was struttin' his stuff at this time, this cat looked more like a dandy from another temporal juncture, theres a certain ambiguity to where his style might actually lie both in th'wardrobe aswell as th'musician front...david bein' young at th'time this was let loose made th'differin' styles merge unselfconscious as its his dreams mixin' with th'substance o' his influences...this is definitely rock/glam as opossed to glam rock, more hard than th'pop o' fellow glamourpus brett smiley,theres a raspberries vibe goin' on,sorta bowie/ian hunter frontin' th'cleveland fab ones...fantastic wax that fits th'mid sevnties landscape without any problems, sits extremely well with its peers'n outstrips many a glammin' pretender both then'n anytime th'lipstick comes out...
...dyed in th'wool rockin' heads only diggin' th'hoodlum end o' a good tune who in this day'n age still look to th'first DMZ LP with squinty peepers'n only a half cocked ear will be glad this waxin' is probably more to their taste...buzzin' attack guitars, elevators/pretty things covers 'n iggy madman-possessed vocals plus rattlin' tambourine, thuddin' skins all skimmin' round in a 'crawdaddy stones in orbit' blow-out...theres still million'n one combos round th'planet who're tryin' to perfect this racket not knowin' its been formed'n patented by this leather jacket gang from th'back alleys o' yesteryear...